[KNYGA][B] Radical information literacy: Reclaiming the political heart of the IL movement
A Whitworth - 2014 - books.google.com
What would a synthetic theory of Digital, Media and Information Literacy (DMIL) look like?
Radical Information Literacy presents, for the first time, a theory of DMIL that synthesises the …
Radical Information Literacy presents, for the first time, a theory of DMIL that synthesises the …
[PDF][PDF] Transforming roles: Canadian academic librarians embedded in faculty research projects
S Bedi, C Walde - 2017 - dspace.library.uvic.ca
Academic librarians have always played an important role in providing research services
and research-skills development to faculty in higher education. But that role is evolving to …
and research-skills development to faculty in higher education. But that role is evolving to …
Develo** information literacy and academic writing skills through the collaborative design of an assessment task for first year engineering students
In this project, a collaborative three-way partnership approach to assessment design
utilising the combined skill set of a lecturer, librarian and first year learning advisor was …
utilising the combined skill set of a lecturer, librarian and first year learning advisor was …
Curriculum map** in academic libraries
Librarians at four different academic institutions concurrently completed curriculum map**
projects using varying methods to analyze their information literacy instruction. Curriculum …
projects using varying methods to analyze their information literacy instruction. Curriculum …
[PDF][PDF] Thriving in the 21st century: The report of the LLiDA project (Learning Literacies for the Digital Age) conclusions and recommendation
H Beetham, L McGill, A Littlejohn - Glasgow, UK: Glasgow …, 2009 - researchgate.net
• Design learning opportunities for highly interconnected individuals, operating in distributed
networks of expertise• Continually review how technologies are integrated into curriculum …
networks of expertise• Continually review how technologies are integrated into curriculum …
[PDF][PDF] Faculty attitudes toward collaboration with librarians
A Yousef - Library Philosophy and Practice, 2010 - zu.edu.jo
University libraries play a vital role in supporting their parent institutions to achieve their
objectives effectively. Librarians and faculty members are both involved in teaching students …
objectives effectively. Librarians and faculty members are both involved in teaching students …
Teachers' perceptions of teacher and librarian collaboration: Instrumentation development and validation
P Montiel-Overall - Library & Information Science Research, 2009 - Elsevier
Teacher and librarian collaboration is recommended in professional library and information
science guidelines for school librarians. The guidelines suggest that when school librarians …
science guidelines for school librarians. The guidelines suggest that when school librarians …
Metaliteracies, creative practitioners and art libraries: a critical review of the literature
D Chappell - Art Libraries Journal, 2017 - cambridge.org
How do artists, designers, architects and craftspeople seek and deploy information in
support of their practice? It is a question that is of central importance to the learning and …
support of their practice? It is a question that is of central importance to the learning and …
[KNYGA][B] Information literacy as a student learning outcome: the perspective of institutional accreditation
L Saunders - 2011 - books.google.com
This nationwide analysis documents how institutions of higher education are responding to
demands for accountability and transparency by implementing and assessing learning goals …
demands for accountability and transparency by implementing and assessing learning goals …
[KNYGA][B] The academic teaching librarian's handbook
C McGuinness - 2021 - books.google.com
The Academic Teaching Librarian's Handbook is a comprehensive resource for academic
library professionals and LIS students looking to pursue a teaching role in their work and to …
library professionals and LIS students looking to pursue a teaching role in their work and to …