How to design equitable digital health tools: A narrative review of design tactics, case studies, and opportunities
With a renewed focus on health equity in the United States driven by national crises and
legislation to improve digital healthcare innovation, there is a need for the designers of …
legislation to improve digital healthcare innovation, there is a need for the designers of …
Addressing disparities: A systematic review of digital health equity for adolescent obesity prevention and management interventions
Adolescence is a high‐risk life stage for obesity. Digital strategies are needed to prevent and
manage obesity among adolescents. We assessed if digital health interventions are …
manage obesity among adolescents. We assessed if digital health interventions are …
Umbrella review of social inequality in digital interventions targeting dietary and physical activity behaviors
Digital interventions are increasingly utilized as a lever to promote population health, yet not
everyone may equally benefit from them. This umbrella review pooled the insights from …
everyone may equally benefit from them. This umbrella review pooled the insights from …
Digital endpoints in clinical trials: emerging themes from a multi-stakeholder Knowledge Exchange event
Background Digital technologies, such as wearable devices and smartphone applications
(apps), can enable the decentralisation of clinical trials by measuring endpoints in people's …
(apps), can enable the decentralisation of clinical trials by measuring endpoints in people's …
Feasibility and potential effect of a pilot blended digital behavior change intervention promoting sustainable diets over a year
Well-designed effective interventions promoting sustainable diets are urgently needed to
benefit both human and planetary health. This study evaluated the feasibility, acceptability …
benefit both human and planetary health. This study evaluated the feasibility, acceptability …
A rapid review of digital approaches for the participatory development of health-related interventions
Objectives Using participatory approaches to design health interventions is promising, and
the ongoing digitalization has enabled the development of diverse digital formats for this …
the ongoing digitalization has enabled the development of diverse digital formats for this …
Digital Staff Support Interventions for the Psychological Wellbeing of Healthcare Professionals: A Systematic Review
Healthcare professionals experience stressful events which impact on overall wellbeing.
The rise of digital interventions marks an opportunity to support healthcare professionals in …
The rise of digital interventions marks an opportunity to support healthcare professionals in …
Research trends in the study of acceptability of digital mental health-related interventions: a bibliometric and network visualisation analysis
The acceptability of digital health interventions is a multifaceted concept that is central to
user engagement. It is influenced by cultural and social norms and it is, also, a key …
user engagement. It is influenced by cultural and social norms and it is, also, a key …
[PDF][PDF] Data Note: Health behaviors and mobile intervention use in patients recruited from general practitioners' practices in rural Bavaria
Introduction: Individuals living in rural areas report poorer health outcomes, including
obesity, compared to individuals living in urban areas. Amongst others, this is due to …
obesity, compared to individuals living in urban areas. Amongst others, this is due to …
Health Literacy and Health Behavior
Health literacy is generally understood and defined as people being proactive in their health
management in which they seek, inquire, comprehend, and apply health-related information …
management in which they seek, inquire, comprehend, and apply health-related information …