Challenges and research opportunities in ecommerce search and recommendations

M Tsagkias, TH King, S Kallumadi, V Murdock… - ACM Sigir Forum, 2021 -
With the rapid adoption of online shop**, academic research in the eCommerce domain
has gained traction. However, significant research challenges remain, spanning from classic …

Online evaluation for information retrieval

K Hofmann, L Li, F Radlinski - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2016 -
Online evaluation is one of the most common approaches to measure the effectiveness of an
information retrieval system. It involves fielding the information retrieval system to real users …

Taking search to task

C Shah, R White, P Thomas, B Mitra, S Sarkar… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
The importance of tasks in information retrieval (IR) has been long argued for, addressed in
different ways, often ignored, and frequently revisited. For decades, scholars made a case …

Evaluation-as-a-service: Overview and outlook

A Hanbury, H Müller, K Balog, T Brodt… - ar** of online experiments
E Kharitonov, A Vorobev, C Macdonald… - Proceedings of the 38th …, 2015 -
Online evaluation methods, such as A/B and interleaving experiments, are widely used for
search engine evaluation. Since they rely on noisy implicit user feedback, running each …

Opensearch: lessons learned from an online evaluation campaign

R Jagerman, K Balog, MD Rijke - … of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ), 2018 -
We report on our experience with TREC OpenSearch, an online evaluation campaign that
enabled researchers to evaluate their experimental retrieval methods using real users of a …