[KNJIGA][B] From gestalt theory to image analysis: a probabilistic approach

A Desolneux, L Moisan, JM Morel - 2007 - books.google.com
This book introduces a new theory in Computer Vision yielding elementary techniques to
analyze digital images. These techniques are a mathematical formalization of the Gestalt …

A parameterless scale-space approach to find meaningful modes in histograms—Application to image and spectrum segmentation

J Gilles, K Heal - International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution …, 2014 - World Scientific
In this paper, we present an algorithm to automatically detect meaningful modes in a
histogram. The proposed method is based on the behavior of local minima in a scale-space …

Detection of an anomalous cluster in a network

E Arias-Castro, EJ Candes, A Durand - The Annals of Statistics, 2011 - JSTOR
We consider the problem of detecting whether or not, in a given sensor network, there is a
cluster of sensors which exhibit an" unusual behavior." Formally, suppose we are given a set …

Edge detection by Helmholtz principle

A Desolneux, L Moisan, JM Morel - Journal of mathematical imaging and …, 2001 - Springer
We apply to edge detection a recently introduced method for computing geometric structures
in a digital image, without any a priori information. According to a basic principle of …

A grou** principle and four applications

A Desolneux, L Moisan, JM More - IEEE Transactions on …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Wertheimer's theory suggests a general perception law according to which objects having a
quality in common get perceptually grouped. The Helmholtz principle is a quantitative …

A fault diagnosis method for roller bearing based on empirical wavelet transform decomposition with adaptive empirical mode segmentation

Y Song, S Zeng, J Ma, J Guo - Measurement, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a fault diagnosis method for roller bearings based on the
decomposition of vibration signals using the empirical wavelet transform (EWT) with …

On straight line segment detection

R Grompone von Gioi, J Jakubowicz, JM Morel… - Journal of Mathematical …, 2008 - Springer
In this paper we propose a comprehensive method for detecting straight line segments in
any digital image, accurately controlling both false positive and false negative detections …

Gestalt theory and computer vision

A Desolneux, L Moisan, JM Morel - Seeing, thinking and knowing …, 2004 - Springer
The geometric Gestalt theory started in 1921 with Max Wertheimer's founding paper [31]. In
its 1975 last edition, the Gestalt Bible Gesetze des Sehens by Wolfgang Metzger [22] gave a …

Feeling, meaning, and intentionality—a critique of the neuroaesthetics of beauty

PF Bundgaard - Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 2015 - Springer
This article addresses the phenomenology of aesthetic experience. It first, critically,
considers one of the most influential approaches to the psychophysics of aesthetic …

Detection of correlations

E Arias-Castro, S Bubeck, G Lugosi - 2012 - projecteuclid.org
We consider the hypothesis testing problem of deciding whether an observed high-
dimensional vector has independent normal components or, alternatively, if it has a small …