Representations of weakly triangular categories

M Gao, H Rui, L Song - Journal of Algebra, 2023 - Elsevier
A new class of locally unital and locally finite dimensional algebras A over an arbitrary
algebraically closed field is discovered. Each of them admits an upper finite weakly …

[HTML][HTML] Cellularity of wreath product algebras and A-Brauer algebras

T Geetha, FM Goodman - Journal of Algebra, 2013 - Elsevier
A cellular algebra is called cyclic cellular if all cell modules are cyclic. Most important
examples of cellular algebras appearing in representation theory are in fact cyclic cellular …

Cellularity and the Jones basic construction

FM Goodman, J Graber - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We establish a framework for cellularity of algebras related to the Jones basic construction.
Our framework allows a uniform proof of cellularity of Brauer algebras, ordinary and …

[HTML][HTML] Affine walled Brauer algebras and super Schur–Weyl duality

H Rui, Y Su - Advances in Mathematics, 2015 - Elsevier
A new class of associative algebras referred to as affine walled Brauer algebras are
introduced. These algebras are free with infinite rank over a commutative ring containing 1 …

Affine and degenerate affine BMW algebras: the center

Z Daugherty, A Ram, R Virk - 2014 -
The degenerate affine and affine BMW algebras arise naturally in the context of Schur--Weyl
duality for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras and quantum groups, respectively …

Cyclotomic Birman–Wenzl–Murakami algebras, I: Freeness and realization as tangle algebras

FM Goodman, HH Mosley - Journal of Knot Theory and its …, 2009 - World Scientific
The cyclotomic Birman–Wenzl–Murakami algebras are quotients of the affine BMW algebras
in which the affine generator satisfies a polynomial relation. We show that the cyclotomic …

[HTML][HTML] The representations of cyclotomic BMW algebras

H Rui, J Xu - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2009 - Elsevier
The representations of cyclotomic BMW algebras - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to
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[HTML][HTML] Almost cellular algebras

N Guay, S Wilcox - Journal of pure and applied algebra, 2015 - Elsevier
Almost cellular algebras - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals
& Books Help Search My account Sign in View PDF Download full issue Search ScienceDirect …

Remarks on cyclotomic and degenerate cyclotomic BMW algebras

FM Goodman - Journal of Algebra, 2012 - Elsevier
We relate the structure of cyclotomic and degenerate cyclotomic BMW algebras, for arbitrary
parameter values, to that for admissible parameter values. In particular, we show that these …

[PDF][PDF] Comparison of Admissibility Conditions for Cyclotomic Birman--Wenzl--Murakami Algebras

FM Goodman - arxiv preprint arxiv:0905.4258, 2009 -
arxiv:0905.4258v2 [math.QA] 22 Jan 2010 Page 1 arxiv:0905.4258v2 [math.QA] 22 Jan 2010
To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra COMPARISON OF ADMISSIBILITY …