An adaptive learning strategy for surrogate modeling of high-dimensional functions-Application to unsteady hypersonic flows in chemical nonequilibrium
Many engineering applications rely on the evaluation of expensive, non-linear high-
dimensional functions. In this paper, we propose the RONAALP algorithm (Reduced Order …
dimensional functions. In this paper, we propose the RONAALP algorithm (Reduced Order …
Angular momentum and moment of total enthalpy integral equations for high-speed boundary layers
The enhancement of skin-friction drag and surface heat flux by the transition to turbulence is
a crucial physical phenomenon for the design of high-speed vehicles. An interpretable …
a crucial physical phenomenon for the design of high-speed vehicles. An interpretable …
Moment of momentum integral analysis of turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradient
Turbulent boundary layers on immersed objects can be significantly altered by the pressure
gradients imposed by the flow outside the boundary layer. The interaction of turbulence and …
gradients imposed by the flow outside the boundary layer. The interaction of turbulence and …
Predictive modeling of hypersonic flows in chemical nonequilibrium: hysics-based and data-driven approaches
C Scherding - 2023 -
Hypersonic flows are of great interest in a wide range of aerospace applications and are a
critical component of many technological advances. In this thesis, we first numerically study …
critical component of many technological advances. In this thesis, we first numerically study …