Synergy of 3D and 2D perovskites for durable, efficient solar cells and beyond
Three-dimensional (3D) organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites have emerged in the
past few years as a promising material for low-cost, high-efficiency optoelectronic devices …
past few years as a promising material for low-cost, high-efficiency optoelectronic devices …
The 2D halide perovskite rulebook: how the spacer influences everything from the structure to optoelectronic device efficiency
Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites have emerged as outstanding semiconducting
materials thanks to their superior stability and structural diversity. However, the ever-growing …
materials thanks to their superior stability and structural diversity. However, the ever-growing …
Recent progress in perovskite solar cells: material science
Perovskite solar cells represent a promising third-generation photovoltaic technology with
low fabrication cost and high power conversion efficiency. In light of the rapid development …
low fabrication cost and high power conversion efficiency. In light of the rapid development …
Semiconductor physics of organic–inorganic 2D halide perovskites
Achieving technologically relevant performance and stability for optoelectronics, energy
conversion, photonics, spintronics and quantum devices requires creating atomically precise …
conversion, photonics, spintronics and quantum devices requires creating atomically precise …
[HTML][HTML] Perovskite solar cells: A review of the recent advances
Perovskite solar cells (PSC) have been identified as a game-changer in the world of
photovoltaics. This is owing to their rapid development in performance efficiency, increasing …
photovoltaics. This is owing to their rapid development in performance efficiency, increasing …
Advances in two-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites
Two-dimensional (2D) perovskites have attracted considerable interest for their promising
applications for solar cells and other optoelectronics, such as light-emitting diodes …
applications for solar cells and other optoelectronics, such as light-emitting diodes …
Two-dimensional hybrid halide perovskites: principles and promises
Hybrid halide perovskites have become the “next big thing” in emerging semiconductor
materials, as the past decade witnessed their successful application in high-performance …
materials, as the past decade witnessed their successful application in high-performance …
Structurally dimensional engineering in perovskite photovoltaics
The low‐dimensional (LD) perovskites are proven to be capable of blocking moisture
erosion and thereby improving the photovoltaic device stability. In this review, the low …
erosion and thereby improving the photovoltaic device stability. In this review, the low …
Efficient, stable solar cells by using inherent bandgap of α-phase formamidinium lead iodide
In general, mixed cations and anions containing formamidinium (FA), methylammonium
(MA), caesium, iodine, and bromine ions are used to stabilize the black α-phase of the FA …
(MA), caesium, iodine, and bromine ions are used to stabilize the black α-phase of the FA …
Linearly programmable two-dimensional halide perovskite memristor arrays for neuromorphic computing
The exotic properties of three-dimensional halide perovskites, such as mixed ionic–
electronic conductivity and feasible ion migration, have enabled them to challenge …
electronic conductivity and feasible ion migration, have enabled them to challenge …