Recent pension reforms in Europe: More challenges, new directions. An overview

K Hinrichs - Social policy & administration, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
During the last 30 years, all European Union member states have reformed their pension
systems. In view of ongoing and intensifying population aging, efforts have aimed at …

[ספר][B] How ideas and institutions shape the politics of public policy

D Béland - 2019‏ -
This Element provides a critical review of existing literature on the role of ideas and
institutions in the politics of public policy with the aim of contributing to the study of the …

[ספר][B] Policy feedback: How policies shape politics

D Béland, AL Campbell, RK Weaver - 2022‏ -
Although the idea that existing policies can have major effects on politics and policy
development is hardly new, the last three decades witnessed a major expansion of policy …

[ספר][B] Public policy: A new introduction

C Knill, J Tosun - 2020‏ -
A comprehensive introduction to public policy and the policy cycle, the fully revised second
edition of this popular textbook offers a practical guide to the topic while remaining …

Varieties of policy feedback research: Looking backward, moving forward

D Béland, E Schlager - Policy Studies Journal, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
Policy feedback refers to the variety of ways in which existing policies can shape key
aspects of politics and policymaking. Originating in historical institutionalism, the study of …

When policies undo themselves: Self‐undermining feedback as a source of policy change

AM Jacobs, RK Weaver - Governance, 2015‏ - Wiley Online Library
Most studies of policy feedback have focused on processes of self‐reinforcement through
which programs bolster their own bases of political support and endure or expand over time …

Institutional change in advanced political economies

K Thelen - British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2009‏ - Wiley Online Library
The political‐economic institutions that have traditionally reconciled economic efficiency with
social solidarity in the advanced industrial countries, and specifically in the so‐called …

[ספר][B] Why we need a new welfare state

G Es**-Andersen - 2002‏ -
The volume concentrates on four principal social policy domains; the aged and transition to
retirement; the welfare issues related to profound changes in working life; the risks and …

[ספר][B] The boundaries of welfare: European integration and the new spatial politics of social protection

M Ferrera - 2005‏ -
To what extent has the process of European integration re-drawn the boundaries of national
welfare states? What are the effects of such re-drawing? Boundaries count: they are …

[ספר][B] A long goodbye to Bismarck?: the politics of welfare reform in continental Europe

B Palier - 2010‏ -
This book provides an extensive and comparative account of all welfare reforms that
occurred during the last three decades in Continental European countries. It reveals …