The biological assessment and rehabilitation of the world's rivers: an overview
The biological assessment of rivers ie, their assessment through use of aquatic
assemblages, integrates the effects of multiple-stressors on these systems over time and is …
assemblages, integrates the effects of multiple-stressors on these systems over time and is …
[HTML][HTML] Assemblage-based biomonitoring of freshwater ecosystem health via multimetric indices: A critical review and suggestions for improving their applicability
Freshwater biota are more comprehensive and direct indicators of biological impacts, and
more meaningful to the public than water quality or physical habitat surrogates. Freshwater …
more meaningful to the public than water quality or physical habitat surrogates. Freshwater …
Ecosystem services generated by Neotropical freshwater fishes
To understand how Neotropical freshwater fishes (NFF) benefit society, we conducted a
broad literature survey to (i) map and list the ecosystem services (ES) generated by these …
broad literature survey to (i) map and list the ecosystem services (ES) generated by these …
[HTML][HTML] Low forest-loss thresholds threaten Amazonian fish and macroinvertebrate assemblage integrity
Deforestation is a major threat globally, but especially in tropical regions because they are
biodiversity strongholds and carbon storehouses. Some studies have reported changes in …
biodiversity strongholds and carbon storehouses. Some studies have reported changes in …
An improved macroinvertebrate multimetric index for the assessment of wadeable streams in the neotropical savanna
Multimetric indices (MMIs) have been successfully used to assess ecological conditions in
freshwater ecosystems worldwide, and provide an important management tool especially in …
freshwater ecosystems worldwide, and provide an important management tool especially in …
Land cover, riparian zones and instream habitat influence stream fish assemblages in the eastern Amazon
The Amazon rainforest has experienced rapid land‐use changes over the last few decades,
including extensive deforestation that can affect riparian habitats and streams. The aim of …
including extensive deforestation that can affect riparian habitats and streams. The aim of …
Land use changes disrupt streams and affect the functional feeding groups of aquatic insects in the Amazon
Abstract Changes in riparian vegetation directly affect the entry of allochthonous material
into aquatic systems, which is the main source of food and energy for different functional …
into aquatic systems, which is the main source of food and energy for different functional …
A benthic macroinvertebrate multimetric index for Chilean Mediterranean streams
Increased anthropogenic disturbances affecting streams worldwide have resulted in
declines of freshwater biodiversity. Mediterranean ecoregions are very sensitive to such …
declines of freshwater biodiversity. Mediterranean ecoregions are very sensitive to such …
Small forest losses degrade stream macroinvertebrate assemblages in the eastern Brazilian Amazon
Generally, habitat loss and fragmentation negatively affect biota, often in nonlinear ways.
Such nonlinear responses suggest the existence of critical limits for habitat loss beyond …
Such nonlinear responses suggest the existence of critical limits for habitat loss beyond …
Choice of field and laboratory methods affects the detection of anthropogenic disturbances using stream macroinvertebrate assemblages
Accurate and precise detection of anthropogenic impacts on stream ecosystems using
macroinvertebrates as biological indicators depends on the use of appropriate field and …
macroinvertebrates as biological indicators depends on the use of appropriate field and …