Universal few-body physics and cluster formation
A recent rejuvenation of experimental and theoretical interest in the physics of few-body
systems has provided deep, fundamental insights into a broad range of problems. Few-body …
systems has provided deep, fundamental insights into a broad range of problems. Few-body …
Correlation effects in the quench-induced phase separation dynamics of a two species ultracold quantum gas
We explore the quench dynamics of a binary Bose–Einstein condensate crossing the
miscibility–immiscibility threshold and vice versa, both within and in particular beyond the …
miscibility–immiscibility threshold and vice versa, both within and in particular beyond the …
Observation and analysis of multiple dark-antidark solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
We report on the static and dynamical properties of multiple dark-antidark solitons (DADs) in
two-component, repulsively interacting Bose-Einstein condensates. Motivated by …
two-component, repulsively interacting Bose-Einstein condensates. Motivated by …
Theoretical and numerical evidence for the potential realization of the Peregrine soliton in repulsive two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
The present work is motivated by the recent experimental realization of the Townes soliton in
an effective two-component Bose-Einstein condensate by B. Bakkali-Hassan et al.[Phys …
an effective two-component Bose-Einstein condensate by B. Bakkali-Hassan et al.[Phys …
Many-body expansion dynamics of a Bose-Fermi mixture confined in an optical lattice
We unravel the correlated nonequilibrium dynamics of a mass balanced Bose-Fermi mixture
in a one-dimensional optical lattice upon quenching an imposed harmonic trap from strong …
in a one-dimensional optical lattice upon quenching an imposed harmonic trap from strong …
Negative-quench-induced excitation dynamics for ultracold bosons in one-dimensional lattices
The nonequilibrium dynamics following a quench of strongly repulsive bosonic ensembles
in one-dimensional finite lattices is investigated by employing interaction quenches and/or a …
in one-dimensional finite lattices is investigated by employing interaction quenches and/or a …
Phase-separation dynamics induced by an interaction quench of a correlated Fermi-Fermi mixture in a double well
We explore the interspecies interaction quench dynamics of ultracold spin-polarized few-
body mass-balanced Fermi-Fermi mixtures confined in a double well with an emphasis on …
body mass-balanced Fermi-Fermi mixtures confined in a double well with an emphasis on …
Interaction quench induced multimode dynamics of finite atomic ensembles
The correlated non-equilibrium dynamics of few-boson systems in one-dimensional finite
lattices is investigated. Starting from weak interactions we perform a sudden interaction …
lattices is investigated. Starting from weak interactions we perform a sudden interaction …
Quench-induced resonant tunneling mechanisms of bosons in an optical lattice with harmonic confinement
The nonequilibrium dynamics of small boson ensembles in a one-dimensional optical lattice
is explored upon a sudden quench of an additional harmonic trap from strong to weak …
is explored upon a sudden quench of an additional harmonic trap from strong to weak …
Mode coupling of interaction quenched ultracold few-boson ensembles in periodically driven lattices
The out-of-equilibrium dynamics of interaction quenched finite ultracold bosonic ensembles
in periodically driven one-dimensional optical lattices is investigated. It is shown that …
in periodically driven one-dimensional optical lattices is investigated. It is shown that …