Research trends in language MOOC studies: a systematic review of the published literature (2012-2018)

MH Sallam, E Martín-Monje, Y Li - Computer Assisted Language …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study aims to explore the current published research on Language Massive Open
Online Courses (LMOOCs), outlining the types of papers, countries where studies were …

A sco** review on open educational resources to support interactions of learners with disabilities

J Moon, Y Park - International Review of Research in Open and …, 2021 -
This sco** review explored the trends in open educational resources (OER) that support
the interactions of learners with disabilities and the challenges of supporting these …

[KNIHA][B] An investigation into the accessibility of massive open online courses (MOOCs)

F Iniesto - 2020 -
Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an evolution of open online learning
that enables people to study online and for little or no cost. MOOCs can provide learners …

The Online Interface and Social Inclusion: A MOOC Study in Turkey.

S Meri-Yilan - Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 - ERIC
One of the virtues of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is that, because of their
scalability, temporal flexibility and digital mediation, they have the potential to increase …

LMOOC research 2014 to 2021: What have we done and where are we going next?

Y Zhang, R Sun - ReCALL, 2023 -
This study reviews 71 high-quality studies of massive open online courses focused on
languages (LMOOCs) that were published from the inception of LMOOCs to 2021. The …

Understanding Accessibility in MOOCs: Findings and Recommendations for Future Designs

F Iniesto, C Rodrigo - Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024 -
Ensuring accessibility in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is essential to enable
learners with accessiblity needs to fully engage in and derive benefits from online learning …

La atención a las necesidades y demandas específicas del alumnado en un mundo globalizado: el caso de un MOOC de español para viajar

BS Cuevas - RIED. Revista iberoamericana de Educación a …, 2017 -
Los MOOC cuyo contenido está relacionado con la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera
(LMOOC), resultan todavía un campo poco explorado, tanto en número de cursos creados …

Strategies for improving the level of accessibility in the design of MOOC-based learning services

F Iniesto, C Rodrigo - 2016 International Symposium on …, 2016 -
Access to MOOC platforms has barriers: there is a lack of accessibility to educational
resources, communications tools and even the personalisation of user interfaces. Added to …

[HTML][HTML] exploring learner usage and satisfaction

A Gimeno-Sanz¹ - CALL in a climate of change: adapting to …, 2017 -
MOOCs specifically designed for language learning or Language MOOCs (LMOOCs) as
they are more commonly termed are attracting an increasing number of studies. These …

“Español para viajeros”: diseño de un MOOC de lenguas a partir del análisis de necesidades formativas en el dominio turístico

B Sedano Cuevas - 2017 -
Paralelamente al desarrollo de un mundo globalizado, han surgido diversas nuevas
necesidades en una L2, bien sean académicas, ocupacionales, vocacionales o de …