[PDF][PDF] The importance of green practices for hotel guests: does gender matter?
Due to growing consumer awareness of environmental problems, more and more hotels
have been develo** green practices in response to the environmental concerns of their …
have been develo** green practices in response to the environmental concerns of their …
[HTML][HTML] Resident perspectives unveiled: The role of a sustainable destination image in sha** pro-sustainable responses
This paper examines the effects of a sustainable destination image on residents' satisfaction
and pro-sustainable behavior considered through positive word-of-mouth (WOM) and …
and pro-sustainable behavior considered through positive word-of-mouth (WOM) and …
Why should hotels become more environmentally friendly? Does gender matter in customer feedback?
J Ru-zhe, S Aujirapongpan, K Phetvaroon… - ABAC …, 2023 - assumptionjournal.au.edu
A year after the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the hotel industry is showing signs
of recovery. Environmental issues have also increased the pressures on this sector. As such …
of recovery. Environmental issues have also increased the pressures on this sector. As such …
[PDF][PDF] Does corporate social responsibility matter to management forecast precision? Evidence from China
This article investigates whether socially responsible companies differ from other firms in the
quality of earnings forecasts issued by management. Specifically, using 5192 earnings …
quality of earnings forecasts issued by management. Specifically, using 5192 earnings …
Gender differences in cultural tourism destination image: The case of Málaga
Cultural tourism is one of the most sustainable and fastest-growing types of tourism, and so
has been widely studied. Despite countless works analyzing the possible factors that can …
has been widely studied. Despite countless works analyzing the possible factors that can …
Modelling the Spanish Wage Structure Through Structural Equations: A Gender Perspective
Employment conditions, wages and the way they are determined are issues that continue to
be of interest in the economic literature. However, previous authors have focused more on …
be of interest in the economic literature. However, previous authors have focused more on …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis Hubungan antara Eco SERVQUAL dan Customer Satisfaction dengan Peran Moderasi Gender, serta Revisit Intention pada Green Hotel di Indonesia
AN Huda, H Setyowardhani - Jurnal Akuntansi dan …, 2023 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Indonesia terkenal sebagai salah satu negara dengan destinasi pariwisatanya yang sudah
mendunia. Indonesia terus berusaha meningkatkan program pariwisata berkelanjutan …
mendunia. Indonesia terus berusaha meningkatkan program pariwisata berkelanjutan …
Effects of employees' environmental attitudes on green practices in hotels in Kwara State, Nigeria
E Babagbale - 2022 - ir.ucc.edu.gh
Previous studies have indicated that green practices have been adopted in first-world
countries, but their relevance in third-world countries remains largely unsubstantiated. This …
countries, but their relevance in third-world countries remains largely unsubstantiated. This …
Environmental Sustainability in the Tourism Sector
C Sevilla-Sevilla, A Rodriguez-Oromendia… - … Innovation in the … - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter discusses environmental sustainability in the tourism sector. Environmental
sustainability in the tourism sector is crucial to preserve natural resources and protect …
sustainability in the tourism sector is crucial to preserve natural resources and protect …