[PDF][PDF] The importance of green practices for hotel guests: does gender matter?

MS Moise, I Gil-Saura, ME Ruiz Molina - Economic research …, 2021 - hrcak.srce.hr
Due to growing consumer awareness of environmental problems, more and more hotels
have been develo** green practices in response to the environmental concerns of their …

[HTML][HTML] Resident perspectives unveiled: The role of a sustainable destination image in sha** pro-sustainable responses

M Šerić, M Patrizi, F Ceccotti, M Vernuccio - Journal of Retailing and …, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper examines the effects of a sustainable destination image on residents' satisfaction
and pro-sustainable behavior considered through positive word-of-mouth (WOM) and …

Why should hotels become more environmentally friendly? Does gender matter in customer feedback?

J Ru-zhe, S Aujirapongpan, K Phetvaroon… - ABAC …, 2023 - assumptionjournal.au.edu
A year after the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the hotel industry is showing signs
of recovery. Environmental issues have also increased the pressures on this sector. As such …

[PDF][PDF] Does corporate social responsibility matter to management forecast precision? Evidence from China

X Chen, P Wan, X Quan, M Safdar Sial - Economic research …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
This article investigates whether socially responsible companies differ from other firms in the
quality of earnings forecasts issued by management. Specifically, using 5192 earnings …

Gender differences in cultural tourism destination image: The case of Málaga

V Miguel-Barrado, F Sánchez-Cubo… - Geographical …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Cultural tourism is one of the most sustainable and fastest-growing types of tourism, and so
has been widely studied. Despite countless works analyzing the possible factors that can …

Modelling the Spanish Wage Structure Through Structural Equations: A Gender Perspective

EV Lasso-Dela-Vega, J Mondéjar-Jiménez… - Journal of the …, 2024 - Springer
Employment conditions, wages and the way they are determined are issues that continue to
be of interest in the economic literature. However, previous authors have focused more on …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis Hubungan antara Eco SERVQUAL dan Customer Satisfaction dengan Peran Moderasi Gender, serta Revisit Intention pada Green Hotel di Indonesia

AN Huda, H Setyowardhani - Jurnal Akuntansi dan …, 2023 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Indonesia terkenal sebagai salah satu negara dengan destinasi pariwisatanya yang sudah
mendunia. Indonesia terus berusaha meningkatkan program pariwisata berkelanjutan …

Effects of employees' environmental attitudes on green practices in hotels in Kwara State, Nigeria

E Babagbale - 2022 - ir.ucc.edu.gh
Previous studies have indicated that green practices have been adopted in first-world
countries, but their relevance in third-world countries remains largely unsubstantiated. This …

Environmental Sustainability in the Tourism Sector

C Sevilla-Sevilla, A Rodriguez-Oromendia… - … Innovation in the … - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter discusses environmental sustainability in the tourism sector. Environmental
sustainability in the tourism sector is crucial to preserve natural resources and protect …