Categories of architectural designs in trace fossils: a measure of ichnodisparity
Ichnodisparity has been recently introduced as a concept to assess the variability of
morphologic plans in biogenic structures, revealing major innovations in body plan …
morphologic plans in biogenic structures, revealing major innovations in body plan …
[KNYGA][B] Ichnology: Organism-substrate interactions in space and time
LA Buatois, MG Mángano - 2011 - books.google.com
Ichnology is the study of traces created in the substrate by living organisms. This is the first
book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
Ichnodiversity and ichnodisparity: significance and caveats
Ichnodiversity has been used as a proxy for environmental stress and stability in facies
interpretations and to reconstruct evolutionary radiations and colonization histories in …
interpretations and to reconstruct evolutionary radiations and colonization histories in …
[HTML][HTML] Ichnology of a Pennsylvanian equatorial tidal flat--the Stull Shale Member at Waverly, eastern Kansas
Integrated stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and ichnologic analyses indicate that the Stull
Shale Member (Kanwaka Shale, Shawnee Group) at Waverly (Coffey County, eastern …
Shale Member (Kanwaka Shale, Shawnee Group) at Waverly (Coffey County, eastern …
Deep-sea fans
Turbiditic depositional systems are characterized by diverse, pre-and post-depositional trace
fossils dominated by pascichnia, fodinichnia, agrichnia, and chemichnia. They belong …
fossils dominated by pascichnia, fodinichnia, agrichnia, and chemichnia. They belong …
Deep-sea ichnology: the relationships between depositional environment and endobenthic organisms
Trace fossils and bioturbational structures are import ant component of deep-sea sediment
fabric. Various ecological factors controlling distribution of their producers can be …
fabric. Various ecological factors controlling distribution of their producers can be …
Trace fossils as diagnostic indicators of deep‐marine environments, Middle Eocene Ainsa‐Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees
TG Heard, KT Pickering - Sedimentology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
A quantitative study of trace fossil abundance in the Middle Eocene deep‐marine clastic
systems, Ainsa‐Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees, shows that they are powerful discriminators …
systems, Ainsa‐Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees, shows that they are powerful discriminators …
Ordovician and Silurian ichnofossils from carbonate facies in Estonia: a collection-based review
Trace fossils are common in the Ordovician and Silurian shallow marine carbonate
succession of Estonia, with 45 ichnofossil genera and five bioclaustration structures …
succession of Estonia, with 45 ichnofossil genera and five bioclaustration structures …
Life in an Artinskian (Cisuralian) Permian megacaldera: benthic palaeoecology in the shadow of the Bolzano Supervolcano (Athesian Volcanic District, Italy)
Volcanic processes create peculiar types of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems but,
surprisingly, very little is known about the infaunal palaeoecology of continental volcanic …
surprisingly, very little is known about the infaunal palaeoecology of continental volcanic …
Sedimentology, stratigraphic architecture, and ichnology of gravity-flow deposits partially ponded in a growth-fault-controlled slope minibasin, Tres Pasos Formation …
A recent resurgence in the study of slope deposits is strongly related to the complexity
inherent with the depositional setting, and the continued prospectivity for hydrocarbons in …
inherent with the depositional setting, and the continued prospectivity for hydrocarbons in …