Freight transportation service procurement: A literature review and future research opportunities in omnichannel E-commerce
This paper provides a literature review of freight transportation service procurement and
investigates the challenges and opportunities regarding transportation organization and …
investigates the challenges and opportunities regarding transportation organization and …
Manufacturing and service supply chain resilience to the COVID-19 outbreak: Lessons learned from the automobile and airline industries
There has been an increased interest among scholars to investigate supply chain resilience
(SCRes) in manufacturing and service operations during emerging situations. Grounded in …
(SCRes) in manufacturing and service operations during emerging situations. Grounded in …
Managerial capabilities of information technology and firm performance: role of e-procurement system type
S Oh, H Yang, SW Kim - International journal of production …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Firms need to find a proper fit between their own information technology (IT) capabilities and
IT systems in order to enhance performance. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine …
IT systems in order to enhance performance. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine …
Transition to B2B e-marketplace enabled supply chain: readiness assessment and success factors
K Lavassani, B Movahedi, V Kumar - CONF-IRM 2008 Proceedings, 2008 - aisel.aisnet.org
This paper explores the development of Supply Chain Management studies and identifies
three eras: Creation, Integration, and Globalization. The study then focuses on the …
three eras: Creation, Integration, and Globalization. The study then focuses on the …
The interplay between power structure and decision-making in supply chains: A systematic review
This study provides a systematic review of the literature and a conceptual framework of the
interplay between power structure and supply chain decision-making. This systematic …
interplay between power structure and supply chain decision-making. This systematic …
A topic-based recommender system for electronic marketplace platforms
K Christidis, G Mentzas - Expert Systems with Applications, 2013 - Elsevier
A large number of items are described, and subsequently bought and sold every day in
auction marketplaces across the web. The amount of information and the number of …
auction marketplaces across the web. The amount of information and the number of …
COVID-19 induced supply chain disruptions and automotive industry: a case study of Maruti Suzuki India Limited and mitigation strategies
The paper analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic induced supply chain disruptions
(SCDs) on the Indian automotive industry (IAI) using a case study of Maruti Suzuki India …
(SCDs) on the Indian automotive industry (IAI) using a case study of Maruti Suzuki India …
Selecting the suitable e-commerce marketplace with neutrosophic Fuzzy AHP and EDAS methods from seller's perspective in the context of Covid-19
G Akman, Aİ Boyacı, S Kurnaz - … Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2022 - ijahp.org
E-commerce, which is defined as making commercial transactions in an electronic
environment, is becoming widespread with the increase of the use of internet and mobile …
environment, is becoming widespread with the increase of the use of internet and mobile …
/spl tau/AU: Timing analysis under uncertainty
S Bhardwaj, SBK Vrudhula… - ICCAD-2003. International …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Due to excessive reduction in the gate length, dopant concentrations and the oxide
thickness, even the slightest of variations in these quantities can result in significant …
thickness, even the slightest of variations in these quantities can result in significant …
E-strategies for aftermarket facilitation in the global semiconductor manufacturing industry
Purpose The paper presents one of the first attempts to identify and categorise the
fundamental barriers currently preventing the multibillion semiconductor equipment …
fundamental barriers currently preventing the multibillion semiconductor equipment …