Dinamika pola pemasaran kopi pada wilayah sentra produksi utama di Indonesia
N Rosiana - Jurnal Agrosains Dan Teknologi, 2020 - jurnal.umj.ac.id
Adanya market power dalam saluran pemasaran kopi diduga berpengaruh terhadap pola
pemasaran kopi disetiap wilayah sentra produksi kopi utama. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini …
pemasaran kopi disetiap wilayah sentra produksi kopi utama. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini …
Analisa Penyebab Turunnya Produksi Kopi Robusta Kabupaten Temanggung
Indonesia has a potency in the coffee sector. Many robusta coffee farmers really depending
on the coffee sector. For the example, 75% of coffee farmers in Temanggung Regency work …
on the coffee sector. For the example, 75% of coffee farmers in Temanggung Regency work …
Designing model for the development of sustainable small coffee agroindustry at the agropolitan area of Ijen, East Java, Indonesia
Considering Indonesia is one of the world's major coffee producers, the small coffee
agroindustry has much room to grow. The industry faces some challenges, including low …
agroindustry has much room to grow. The industry faces some challenges, including low …
Analysis of The Implementation of Community-Based Tourism in Sidomulyo Tourism Village, Jember Regency
This study aimed to analyze the implementation of community-based tourism in the
development of Sidomulyo Tourism Village. The data of this study were collected through …
development of Sidomulyo Tourism Village. The data of this study were collected through …
Analisis keberlanjutan agribisnis paprika di Bandung Barat
Abstract Kabupaten Bandung Barat merupakan wilayah sentra produksi paprika. Penurunan
kualitas dan kuantitas produksi, ketergantungan benih impor serta sulitnya akses terhadap …
kualitas dan kuantitas produksi, ketergantungan benih impor serta sulitnya akses terhadap …
Design of post-Covid 19 sustainability of coffee agroindustry supply chain in Indonesia
Coffee is one of essential plantation commodities in Indonesia. Sustainability of coffee
agroindustry must be continuously improved because the plantation sub-sector can …
agroindustry must be continuously improved because the plantation sub-sector can …
Strategi pengembangan agroindustri kopi yang berkelanjutan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang strategi pengembangan agroindustri kopi dengan
menggunakan pendekatan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Strategi yang dikembangkan …
menggunakan pendekatan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Strategi yang dikembangkan …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainability index of Robusta coffee plantation (case study: Wagir district smallholder coffee plantation in Malang, Indonesia)
Accepted: 14 March 2023 Smallholder coffee plantation are widely distributed in Indonesia,
and it also support the development of this country coffee industries. To establish the best …
and it also support the development of this country coffee industries. To establish the best …
Analisis Keberlanjutan Usahatani Sawah Bukaan Baru di Kabupaten Bangka
Sawah bukaan baru merupakan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan
pangan di Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik …
pangan di Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik …