Mediterranean bioconstructions along the Italian coast
Marine bioconstructions are biodiversity-rich, three-dimensional biogenic structures,
regulating key ecological functions of benthic ecosystems worldwide. Tropical coral reefs …
regulating key ecological functions of benthic ecosystems worldwide. Tropical coral reefs …
38 cold-water coral in Aquaria: advances and challenges. A focus on the mediterranean
Abstract Knowledge on basic biological functions of organisms is essential to understand
not only the role they play in the ecosystems but also to manage and protect their …
not only the role they play in the ecosystems but also to manage and protect their …
19 occurrence and biogeography of mediterranean cold-water corals
The term cold-water coral sensu lato groups taxa with a more or less pronounced frame-
building ability (eg Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) with forest-forming organisms …
building ability (eg Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) with forest-forming organisms …
The “Sardinian cold-water coral province” in the context of the Mediterranean coral ecosystems
A new cold-water coral (CWC) province has been identified in the Mediterranean Sea in the
Capo Spartivento canyon system offshore the southern coast of Sardinia. The 'Sardinia cold …
Capo Spartivento canyon system offshore the southern coast of Sardinia. The 'Sardinia cold …
New deep-water cnidarian sites in the southern Adriatic Sea
Abstract Recent ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) exploration and bottom sampling in the
southern Adriatic Sea (Apulian and Montenegrin margins) resulted in the discovery of …
southern Adriatic Sea (Apulian and Montenegrin margins) resulted in the discovery of …
29 Cold-Water coral associated fauna in the mediterranean sea and adjacent areas
Cold-water corals are recognised as a key component of Mediterranean deep-sea
ecosystems but the knowledge of their associated biodiversity is still limited. To date, the …
ecosystems but the knowledge of their associated biodiversity is still limited. To date, the …
Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status
Abstract The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), introduced in June 2008, was
adopted to achieve a Good Environmental Status (GES) in the EU's marine waters and to …
adopted to achieve a Good Environmental Status (GES) in the EU's marine waters and to …
Mediterranean corals through time: from Miocene to Present
Stony corals, especially scleractinians, are a recurrent component of the benthic fauna of the
Mediterranean basin and its Mesozoic-to-Cenozoic precursors. Both morphological and …
Mediterranean basin and its Mesozoic-to-Cenozoic precursors. Both morphological and …
New records of scleractinian cold-water coral (CWC) assemblages in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea): Human impacts and conservation …
Scleractinian cold-water corals (CWCs) are among the main habitat engineers of the deep
Mediterranean Sea, hosting a high diversity of species and playing a significant ecological …
Mediterranean Sea, hosting a high diversity of species and playing a significant ecological …
New records of cold‐water coral sites and fish fauna characterization of a potential network existing in the Mediterranean Sea
New cold‐water coral (CWC) sites were recorded along the Apulian margin (Central
Mediterranean). The species composition and depth distribution of CWC s were updated. A …
Mediterranean). The species composition and depth distribution of CWC s were updated. A …