Sign language recognition systems: A decade systematic literature review
Despite the importance of sign language recognition systems, there is a lack of a Systematic
Literature Review and a classification scheme for it. This is the first identifiable academic …
Literature Review and a classification scheme for it. This is the first identifiable academic …
A review on systems-based sensory gloves for sign language recognition state of the art between 2007 and 2017
Loss of the ability to speak or hear exerts psychological and social impacts on the affected
persons due to the lack of proper communication. Multiple and systematic scholarly …
persons due to the lack of proper communication. Multiple and systematic scholarly …
A wearable system for recognizing American sign language in real-time using IMU and surface EMG sensors
A sign language recognition system translates signs performed by deaf individuals into
text/speech in real time. Inertial measurement unit and surface electromyography (sEMG) …
text/speech in real time. Inertial measurement unit and surface electromyography (sEMG) …
A framework for hand gesture recognition based on accelerometer and EMG sensors
This paper presents a framework for hand gesture recognition based on the information
fusion of a three-axis accelerometer (ACC) and multichannel electromyography (EMG) …
fusion of a three-axis accelerometer (ACC) and multichannel electromyography (EMG) …
An IoT-enabled stroke rehabilitation system based on smart wearable armband and machine learning
Surface electromyography signal plays an important role in hand function recovery training.
In this paper, an IoT-enabled stroke rehabilitation system was introduced which was based …
In this paper, an IoT-enabled stroke rehabilitation system was introduced which was based …
Advances in machine translation for sign language: approaches, limitations, and challenges
Sign languages are used by the deaf community around the globe to communicate with one
another. These are gesture-based languages where a deaf person performs gestures using …
another. These are gesture-based languages where a deaf person performs gestures using …
Quantitative survey of the state of the art in sign language recognition
O Koller - arxiv preprint arxiv:2008.09918, 2020 - arxiv.org
This work presents a meta study covering around 300 published sign language recognition
papers with over 400 experimental results. It includes most papers between the start of the …
papers with over 400 experimental results. It includes most papers between the start of the …
Wearable sensor-based sign language recognition: A comprehensive review
Sign language is used as a primary form of communication by many people who are Deaf,
deafened, hard of hearing, and non-verbal. Communication barriers exist for members of …
deafened, hard of hearing, and non-verbal. Communication barriers exist for members of …
Surface electromyography as a natural human–machine interface: a review
Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a non-invasive method of measuring neuromuscular
potentials generated when the brain instructs the body to perform both fine and coarse …
potentials generated when the brain instructs the body to perform both fine and coarse …
A new extension of FDOSM based on Pythagorean fuzzy environment for evaluating and benchmarking sign language recognition systems
Many studies have recently developed real-time sign language recognition system (SLRS)-
based DataGlove wearable electronic devices for deaf and dumb to assort hand gestures as …
based DataGlove wearable electronic devices for deaf and dumb to assort hand gestures as …