Sign language recognition systems: A decade systematic literature review

A Wadhawan, P Kumar - Archives of computational methods in …, 2021 - Springer
Despite the importance of sign language recognition systems, there is a lack of a Systematic
Literature Review and a classification scheme for it. This is the first identifiable academic …

A review on systems-based sensory gloves for sign language recognition state of the art between 2007 and 2017

MA Ahmed, BB Zaidan, AA Zaidan, MM Salih… - Sensors, 2018 -
Loss of the ability to speak or hear exerts psychological and social impacts on the affected
persons due to the lack of proper communication. Multiple and systematic scholarly …

A wearable system for recognizing American sign language in real-time using IMU and surface EMG sensors

J Wu, L Sun, R Jafari - IEEE journal of biomedical and health …, 2016 -
A sign language recognition system translates signs performed by deaf individuals into
text/speech in real time. Inertial measurement unit and surface electromyography (sEMG) …

A framework for hand gesture recognition based on accelerometer and EMG sensors

X Zhang, X Chen, Y Li, V Lantz… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 -
This paper presents a framework for hand gesture recognition based on the information
fusion of a three-axis accelerometer (ACC) and multichannel electromyography (EMG) …

An IoT-enabled stroke rehabilitation system based on smart wearable armband and machine learning

G Yang, J Deng, G Pang, H Zhang, J Li… - IEEE journal of …, 2018 -
Surface electromyography signal plays an important role in hand function recovery training.
In this paper, an IoT-enabled stroke rehabilitation system was introduced which was based …

Advances in machine translation for sign language: approaches, limitations, and challenges

U Farooq, MSM Rahim, N Sabir, A Hussain… - Neural Computing and …, 2021 - Springer
Sign languages are used by the deaf community around the globe to communicate with one
another. These are gesture-based languages where a deaf person performs gestures using …

Quantitative survey of the state of the art in sign language recognition

O Koller - arxiv preprint arxiv:2008.09918, 2020 -
This work presents a meta study covering around 300 published sign language recognition
papers with over 400 experimental results. It includes most papers between the start of the …

Wearable sensor-based sign language recognition: A comprehensive review

K Kudrinko, E Flavin, X Zhu, Q Li - IEEE Reviews in Biomedical …, 2020 -
Sign language is used as a primary form of communication by many people who are Deaf,
deafened, hard of hearing, and non-verbal. Communication barriers exist for members of …

Surface electromyography as a natural human–machine interface: a review

M Zheng, MS Crouch, MS Eggleston - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022 -
Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a non-invasive method of measuring neuromuscular
potentials generated when the brain instructs the body to perform both fine and coarse …

A new extension of FDOSM based on Pythagorean fuzzy environment for evaluating and benchmarking sign language recognition systems

MS Al-Samarraay, MM Salih, MA Ahmed… - Neural Computing and …, 2022 - Springer
Many studies have recently developed real-time sign language recognition system (SLRS)-
based DataGlove wearable electronic devices for deaf and dumb to assort hand gestures as …