Software engineering for augmented reality-a research agenda

I Börsting, M Heikamp, M Hesenius, W Koop… - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2022 -
Augmented reality changes the way we perceive reality and how we interact with computers.
However, we argue that to create augmented reality solutions, we need to rethink the way …

The challenges of evaluating the usability of augmented reality (AR)

JL Derby, BS Chaparro - Proceedings of the Human Factors …, 2021 -
Augmented reality (AR) is a new and emerging technology that could benefit from evaluating
its usability to better the user's experience with the device or application. This is often done …

The development and validation of an augmented and mixed reality usability heuristic checklist

JL Derby, BS Chaparro - International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) are new emerging technologies
that are becoming increasingly popular. Because these technologies are so new, there is a …

FADER: an authoring tool for creating augmented reality-based avatars from an end-user perspective

K Krings, P Weber, F Jasche, T Ludwig - Proceedings of Mensch und …, 2022 -
Although augmented reality (AR) is becoming more common in our society, there are few
specialized end-user tools for appropriate AR content creation. Most tools are focused on …

The design guidelines of mobile augmented reality for tourism in Malaysia

S Shukri, H Arshad, RZ Abidin - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017 -
Recent data shows that one in every five people in the world owns a Smartphone and
spends most of their time on the phone using apps. Visitors prefer this type of portable …

Automated Usability Improvement of Two-Dimensional Graphical Interfaces through the Simulation of User's Operations

TC Chou, JM Lu - International Journal of Human–Computer …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
To deal with the problems caused by human intervention associated with the traditional
methods across evaluation and redesign phases, this study aims to propose an automated …

Design and application of a digital factory model for factory restructuring

R Hellmuth, J Frohnmayer, F Sulzmann - Procedia CIRP, 2020 - Elsevier
Factory planning has the task of designing products, plants, processes and the building of a
factory. The requirements to the factory planning and the building concerned have changed …

Methodological reflections on capturing augmented space: Insights from an augmented reality field study

M Schweiger, J Wimmer - Media and Communication, 2022 -
The growing popularity of augmented reality has led to an increased overlaying of physical,
offline space with digital, augmented space. This is particularly evident in the public space of …

Mobile augmented reality design evaluation

S Ford, M Miuccio, L Shirley… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Augmented reality (AR) usage has increased substantially in recent years due to the
proliferation of smart phone technology. Retail companies have leveraged augmented …

TourMAR: Designing tourism mobile augmented reality architecture with data integration to improve user experience

AJT Ocampo - Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference …, 2019 -
The importance of tourism industry as a major contributor to the economic state of countries
all around the world has significantly increased. Tourism is not only a major source of …