Software engineering for augmented reality-a research agenda
Augmented reality changes the way we perceive reality and how we interact with computers.
However, we argue that to create augmented reality solutions, we need to rethink the way …
However, we argue that to create augmented reality solutions, we need to rethink the way …
The challenges of evaluating the usability of augmented reality (AR)
Augmented reality (AR) is a new and emerging technology that could benefit from evaluating
its usability to better the user's experience with the device or application. This is often done …
its usability to better the user's experience with the device or application. This is often done …
The development and validation of an augmented and mixed reality usability heuristic checklist
Abstract Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) are new emerging technologies
that are becoming increasingly popular. Because these technologies are so new, there is a …
that are becoming increasingly popular. Because these technologies are so new, there is a …
FADER: an authoring tool for creating augmented reality-based avatars from an end-user perspective
Although augmented reality (AR) is becoming more common in our society, there are few
specialized end-user tools for appropriate AR content creation. Most tools are focused on …
specialized end-user tools for appropriate AR content creation. Most tools are focused on …
The design guidelines of mobile augmented reality for tourism in Malaysia
S Shukri, H Arshad, RZ Abidin - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017 - pubs.aip.org
Recent data shows that one in every five people in the world owns a Smartphone and
spends most of their time on the phone using apps. Visitors prefer this type of portable …
spends most of their time on the phone using apps. Visitors prefer this type of portable …
Automated Usability Improvement of Two-Dimensional Graphical Interfaces through the Simulation of User's Operations
TC Chou, JM Lu - International Journal of Human–Computer …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
To deal with the problems caused by human intervention associated with the traditional
methods across evaluation and redesign phases, this study aims to propose an automated …
methods across evaluation and redesign phases, this study aims to propose an automated …
Design and application of a digital factory model for factory restructuring
R Hellmuth, J Frohnmayer, F Sulzmann - Procedia CIRP, 2020 - Elsevier
Factory planning has the task of designing products, plants, processes and the building of a
factory. The requirements to the factory planning and the building concerned have changed …
factory. The requirements to the factory planning and the building concerned have changed …
Methodological reflections on capturing augmented space: Insights from an augmented reality field study
M Schweiger, J Wimmer - Media and Communication, 2022 - cogitatiopress.com
The growing popularity of augmented reality has led to an increased overlaying of physical,
offline space with digital, augmented space. This is particularly evident in the public space of …
offline space with digital, augmented space. This is particularly evident in the public space of …
Mobile augmented reality design evaluation
S Ford, M Miuccio, L Shirley… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Augmented reality (AR) usage has increased substantially in recent years due to the
proliferation of smart phone technology. Retail companies have leveraged augmented …
proliferation of smart phone technology. Retail companies have leveraged augmented …
TourMAR: Designing tourism mobile augmented reality architecture with data integration to improve user experience
AJT Ocampo - Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
The importance of tourism industry as a major contributor to the economic state of countries
all around the world has significantly increased. Tourism is not only a major source of …
all around the world has significantly increased. Tourism is not only a major source of …