Impact of Copper Do** on Nanocrystalline SnO2 Thin Films Synthesized by Sol-Gel Coating and Chemical Bath Deposition for Gas Sensor Applications
This work focuses on the preparation of pure nanocrystalline SnO2 and SnO2: Cu thin films
on cleaned glass substrates utilizing a sol-gel spin coating and chemical bath deposition …
on cleaned glass substrates utilizing a sol-gel spin coating and chemical bath deposition …
Tuning Pd-to-Ag Ratio to Enhance the Synergistic Activity of Fly Ash-Supported PdxAgy Bimetallic Nanoparticles
Fly ash (FA)-supported bimetallic nanoparticles (Pd x Ag y/FA) with varying Pd: Ag ratios
were prepared by coprecipitation of Pd and Ag involving in situ reduction of Pd (II) and Ag (I) …
were prepared by coprecipitation of Pd and Ag involving in situ reduction of Pd (II) and Ag (I) …
Heteroatom-assisted oxygen vacancies in cerium oxide catalysts for efficient synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CO 2 and methanol
The direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from CO2 and methanol is a green
synthetic route owing to the nontoxicity of starting materials and synthetic protocol. One of …
synthetic route owing to the nontoxicity of starting materials and synthetic protocol. One of …
Preparation, characterization and gas sensor performance of nanocrystalline nickel-doped SnO2 films
In the present study, the effect of annealing temperature on structural, morphological, optical,
and gas-sensing properties of the undoped and Ni-doped SnO2 films was thoroughly …
and gas-sensing properties of the undoped and Ni-doped SnO2 films was thoroughly …