The interaction of ultra-low-frequency pc3-5 waves with charged particles in Earth's magnetosphere

Q Zong, R Rankin, X Zhou - Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 2017 - Springer
One of the most important issues in space physics is to identify the dominant processes that
transfer energy from the solar wind to energetic particle populations in Earth's inner …

Dayside transient phenomena and their impact on the magnetosphere and ionosphere

H Zhang, Q Zong, H Connor, P Delamere… - Space Science …, 2022 - Springer
Dayside transients, such as hot flow anomalies, foreshock bubbles, magnetosheath jets, flux
transfer events, and surface waves, are frequently observed upstream from the bow shock …

Flux tube texture of the solar wind: Strands of the magnetic carpet at 1 AU?

JE Borovsky - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
It is argued here that the inner heliosphere is filled with a network of entangled magnetic flux
tubes and that the flux tubes are fossil structures that originate at the solar surface. 65,860 …

Magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions: A tutorial review

SWH Cowley - Magnetospheric Current Systems, Geophys …, 2000 -
We review the basic physics of the field-aligned current (FAC) systems which transmit
energy and stress between the magnetosheathmagnetosphere system, and the ionosphere …

Solar wind interaction and impact on the Venus atmosphere

Y Futaana, G Stenberg Wieser, S Barabash… - Space Science …, 2017 - Springer
Venus has intrigued planetary scientists for decades because of its huge contrasts to Earth,
in spite of its nickname of “Earth's Twin”. Its invisible upper atmosphere and space …

A review of interplanetary discontinuities and their geomagnetic effects

BT Tsurutani, GS Lakhina, OP Verkhoglyadova… - Journal of Atmospheric …, 2011 - Elsevier
Interplanetary discontinuities and their geomagnetic effects are reviewed for
magnetospheric/space weather researchers. Discontinuities are particularly useful as …

Foreshock bubbles and their global magnetospheric impacts

N Omidi, JP Eastwood… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We employ 2.5‐D electromagnetic, hybrid simulations that treat ions kinetically via particle‐
in‐cell methods and electrons as a massless fluid to study the formation and properties of a …

Extremely distant magnetopause locations caused by magnetosheath jets

Z Němeček, J Šafránková, K Grygorov… - Geophysical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Magnetopause position is controlled mainly by the solar wind dynamic pressure and north‐
south interplanetary magnetic field component and these quantities are included in different …

Conditions for the formation of hot flow anomalies at Earth's bow shock

SJ Schwartz, G Paschmann, N Sckopke… - Journal of …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Hot flow anomalies (HFAs) result from the interaction of an interplanetary current sheet with
Earth's bow shock and were discovered over a decade and a half ago. The deflected flow …

Review of solar wind entry into and transport within the plasma sheet

S Wing, JR Johnson, CC Chaston, M Echim… - Space Science …, 2014 - Springer
The plasma sheet is populated in part by the solar wind plasma. Four solar entry
mechanisms are examined:(1) double cusp or double lobe reconnection,(2) Kelvin …