A review of the diet and at-sea distribution of penguins breeding within the CAMLR Convention Area
Managing fisheries in an ecologically sensitive manner demands that catches do not
depress stocks within the foraging areas used by predators to levels that reduce their …
depress stocks within the foraging areas used by predators to levels that reduce their …
When three per cent may not be three per cent; device-equipped seabirds experience variable flight constraints
Current guidelines for instrumenting birds state that external devices should not exceed 3–
5% of the birds' body mass; however, the energetic consequences of carrying any given …
5% of the birds' body mass; however, the energetic consequences of carrying any given …
The relationship between oxygen consumption and body acceleration in a range of species
The ability to measure the energy expenditure of free-ranging animals is of great importance
but the techniques available each have their limitations. Recently, as an alternative to more …
but the techniques available each have their limitations. Recently, as an alternative to more …
Working less to gain more: when breeding quality relates to foraging efficiency
In animal populations, a minority of individuals consistently achieves the highest breeding
success and therefore contributes the most recruits to future generations. On average …
success and therefore contributes the most recruits to future generations. On average …
Co** with continuous human disturbance in the wild: insights from penguin heart rate response to various stressors
Background A central question for ecologists is the extent to which anthropogenic
disturbances (eg tourism) might impact wildlife and affect the systems under study. From a …
disturbances (eg tourism) might impact wildlife and affect the systems under study. From a …
Fine-scale spatial age segregation in the limited foraging area of an inshore seabird species, the little penguin
Competition for food resources can result in spatial and dietary segregation among
individuals from the same species. Few studies have looked at such segregations with the …
individuals from the same species. Few studies have looked at such segregations with the …
Minimizing the impact of biologging devices: Using computational fluid dynamics for optimizing tag design and positioning
Biologging devices are used ubiquitously across vertebrate taxa in studies of movement and
behavioural ecology to record data from organisms without the need for direct observation …
behavioural ecology to record data from organisms without the need for direct observation …
Environmental variability drives shifts in the foraging behaviour and reproductive success of an inshore seabird
Marine animals forage in areas that aggregate prey to maximize their energy intake.
However, these foraging 'hot spots' experience environmental variability, which can …
However, these foraging 'hot spots' experience environmental variability, which can …
Taking movement data to new depths: Inferring prey availability and patch profitability from seabird foraging behavior
Detailed information acquired using tracking technology has the potential to provide
accurate pictures of the types of movements and behaviors performed by animals. To date …
accurate pictures of the types of movements and behaviors performed by animals. To date …
Tracking and data–logging devices attached to elephant seals do not affect individual mass gain or survival
Understanding the cryptic lives of wide–ranging wild animals such as seals can be
challenging, but with the advent of miniaturised telemetry and data–logging devices this is …
challenging, but with the advent of miniaturised telemetry and data–logging devices this is …