Inventory control: cytochrome c oxidase assembly regulates mitochondrial translation
Mitochondria maintain genome and translation machinery to synthesize a small subset of
subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation system. To build up functional enzymes, these …
subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation system. To build up functional enzymes, these …
[HTML][HTML] Control of protein synthesis in yeast mitochondria: the concept of translational activators
Mitochondria contain their own genome which codes for a small number of proteins. Most
mitochondrial translation products are part of the membrane-embedded reaction centers of …
mitochondrial translation products are part of the membrane-embedded reaction centers of …
Mitochondrial protein synthesis, import, and assembly
TD Fox - Genetics, 2012 - academic.oup.com
The mitochondrion is arguably the most complex organelle in the budding yeast cell
cytoplasm. It is essential for viability as well as respiratory growth. Its innermost aqueous …
cytoplasm. It is essential for viability as well as respiratory growth. Its innermost aqueous …
TEFM (c17orf42) is necessary for transcription of human mtDNA
Here we show that c17orf42, hereafter TEFM (transcription elongation factor of
mitochondria), makes a critical contribution to mitochondrial transcription. Inactivation of …
mitochondria), makes a critical contribution to mitochondrial transcription. Inactivation of …
[HTML][HTML] Biogenesis of the bc1 complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain
The oxidative phosphorylation system contains four respiratory chain complexes that
connect the transport of electrons to oxygen with the establishment of an electrochemical …
connect the transport of electrons to oxygen with the establishment of an electrochemical …
Characterization of Raphanus sativus Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins Encoded by the Fertility Restorer Locus for Ogura Cytoplasmic Male Sterility
M Uyttewaal, N Arnal, M Quadrado… - The Plant …, 2008 - academic.oup.com
Cytoplasmic male sterility is a maternally inherited trait in higher plants that prevents the
production of functional pollen. Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility in radish (Raphanus …
production of functional pollen. Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility in radish (Raphanus …
Mitochondria and cytoplasmic male sterility in plants
Mitochondria are essential organelles in cells not only because they supply over 90% of the
cell's energy but also because their dysfunction is associated with disease. Owing to the …
cell's energy but also because their dysfunction is associated with disease. Owing to the …
Modular biogenesis of mitochondrial respiratory complexes
Mitochondrial function relies on the activity of oxidative phosphorylation to synthesise ATP
and generate an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. These …
and generate an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. These …
[HTML][HTML] Maintenance and expression of the S. cerevisiae mitochondrial genome—from genetics to evolution and systems biology
As a legacy of their endosymbiotic eubacterial origin, mitochondria possess a residual
genome, encoding only a few proteins and dependent on a variety of factors encoded by the …
genome, encoding only a few proteins and dependent on a variety of factors encoded by the …
Biogenesis of cytochrome oxidase—sophisticated assembly lines in the mitochondrial inner membrane
Biogenesis of the cytochrome oxidase complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane
depends on the concerted action of a variety of proteins. Recent studies shed light on this …
depends on the concerted action of a variety of proteins. Recent studies shed light on this …