Changing law and ownership patterns in Germany: corporate governance and the erosion of Deutschland AG

WG Ringe - The American Journal of Comparative Law, 2015 -
German corporate governance and corporate law are currently undergoing a major change.
The old “Deutschland AG,” a nationwide network of firms, banks, and directors, is eroding …

[KNYGA][B] Strategic management: The challenge of creating value

P FitzRoy, JM Hulbert, A Ghobadian - 2012 -
Students trying to navigate the strategy jungle may lose sight of the fact that strategic
management is about creating value in an organization. Understanding strategic …

Transformation Toward Shareholder Value-Oriented Management and Corporate Governance in Japan and Germany after the 1990s: Resurgence of the …

T Yamazaki - Japanese and German Enterprises: Comparison of …, 2024 - Springer
After the 1990s, influence and pressure on business management by the capital market
became stronger under the United States-led “financialization” and the globalization of …

Diversification and determinants of international credit portfolios: Evidence from German banks

B Böninghausen, M Köhler - International Review of Economics & Finance, 2015 - Elsevier
Bank credit portfolios are concentrated on relatively few countries despite potential gains
from diversifying internationally. Based on unique data for German banks, we examine …

[PDF][PDF] Cross ownership of financial institutions and corporations in Vietnam—An assessment and recommendations

VT Tuanh, TTQ Giang, DC Khai… - Fulbright …, 2013 -
As a wave preceding the trend of integration and growth, the Vietnamese financial system in
general and its banking system in particular have been dramatically growing since the late …

[PDF][PDF] Sở hữu chồng chéo giữa các tổ chức tín dụng và tập đoàn kinh tế tại Việt Nam: Đánh giá và các khuyến nghị thể chế (Pyramidal and Cross Ownership among …

V Thành, T Anh - Hanoi: Tri Thuc Publishing House, 2014 -
Trước năm 1990, ở Việt Nam chỉ có duy nhất một loại hình ngân hàng là ngân hàng quốc
doanh thuộc sở hữu nhà nước, bao gồm Ngân hàng Đầu tư và Phát triển Việt Nam (BIDV) 1 …

Investors' Herd Behavior and its Relation with Volatility in the Korean Stock Market (in Korean)

BJ Park - Economic Analysis (Quarterly), 2016 -
Many of the theoretical studies have tried to explain the return volatility in information-flow
paradigm, but this paper considers investors' herd behavior as a source of the return …

Krisenpolitik und Kapitalfraktionen. Deutschland, Frankreich und die Unternehmerverbände in der Krise der EU

I Chasoglou - 2020 -
Im Verlauf der Krise, die seit dem Jahr 2009/10 die Europäische Union (EU) sowie die
Europäische Wirtschafts-und Währungsunion (WWU) erfasst hatte, und der …

Diversification and determinants of international credit portfolios: evidence from German banks

B Böninghausen, M Köhler - 2012 -
This paper examines the international credit portfolios of German banks. We construct a
bank-country panel from a unique dataset for a representative set of countries and ask why …

Piramidalne strukture i društva s uzajamnim udjelima kao oblik odstupanja od načela „jedna dionica–jedan glas “

A Zubović, E Čulinović-Herc - Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u …, 2019 -
Sažetak U dioničkim društvima se ponekad koriste dionice koje daju nejednako pravo glasa,
piramidalne strukture i drugi mehanizmi jačanja kontrole, koji predstavljaju odstupanje od …