Algorithmic injustice: a relational ethics approach

A Birhane - Patterns, 2021‏ -
It has become trivial to point out that algorithmic systems increasingly pervade the social
sphere. Improved efficiency—the hallmark of these systems—drives their mass integration …

Total life insurance: Logics of anticipatory control and actuarial governance in insurance technology

J Sadowski - Social Studies of Science, 2024‏ -
Calling attention to the growing intersection between the insurance and technology sectors—
or 'insurtech'—this article is intended as a bat signal for the interdisciplinary fields that have …

[کتاب][B] Digital citizenship in a datafied society

A Hintz, L Dencik, K Wahl-Jorgensen - 2018‏ -
Digitization has transformed the way we interact with our social, political and economic
environments. While it has enhanced the potential for citizen agency, it has also enabled the …

The impossibility of automating ambiguity

A Birhane - Artificial life, 2021‏ -
On the one hand, complexity science and enactive and embodied cognitive science
approaches emphasize that people, as complex adaptive systems, are ambiguous …

Algorithmic profiling of job seekers in Austria: How austerity politics are made effective

D Allhutter, F Cech, F Fischer, G Grill, A Mager - Frontiers in big data, 2020‏ -
As of 2020, the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) makes use of algorithmic profiling
of job seekers to increase the efficiency of its counseling process and the effectiveness of …

Data science as political action: Grounding data science in a politics of justice

B Green - Journal of Social Computing, 2021‏ -
In response to public scrutiny of data-driven algorithms, the field of data science has
adopted ethics training and principles. Although ethics can help data scientists reflect on …

[HTML][HTML] Scientific research and big data

S Leonelli - 2020‏ -
Big Data promises to revolutionise the production of knowledge within and beyond science,
by enabling novel, highly efficient ways to plan, conduct, disseminate and assess research …

A world model: On the political logics of generative AI

L Amoore, A Campolo, B Jacobsen, L Rella - Political Geography, 2024‏ - Elsevier
The computational logics of large language models (LLMs) or generative AI–from the early
models of CLIP and BERT to the explosion of text and image generation via ChatGPT and …

Robot rights? Let's talk about human welfare instead

A Birhane, J Van Dijk - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI …, 2020‏ -
The'robot rights' debate, and its related question of'robot responsibility', invokes some of the
most polarized positions in AI ethics. While some advocate for granting robots rights on a par …

Machine learning uncertainty as a design material: A post-phenomenological inquiry

JJ Benjamin, A Berger, N Merrill, J Pierce - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI …, 2021‏ -
Design research is important for understanding and interrogating how emerging
technologies shape human experience. However, design research with Machine Learning …