Holographic Axion Model: a simple gravitational tool for quantum matter
This is a complete and exhaustive review on the so-called holographic axion model—a
bottom-up holographic system characterized by the presence of a set of shift symmetric …
bottom-up holographic system characterized by the presence of a set of shift symmetric …
[CARTE][B] Holographic quantum matter
A comprehensive overview of holographic methods in quantum matter, written by pioneers
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
Thermoelectric transport in disordered metals without quasiparticles: The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models and holography
We compute the thermodynamic properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models of
fermions with a conserved fermion number Q. We extend a previously proposed Schwarzian …
fermions with a conserved fermion number Q. We extend a previously proposed Schwarzian …
Universal charge diffusion and the butterfly effect in holographic theories
M Blake - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
We study charge diffusion in holographic scaling theories with a particle-hole symmetry. We
show that these theories have a universal regime in which the diffusion constant is given by …
show that these theories have a universal regime in which the diffusion constant is given by …
Black hole scrambling from hydrodynamics
We argue that the gravitational shock wave computation used to extract the scrambling rate
in strongly coupled quantum theories with a holographic dual is directly related to probing …
in strongly coupled quantum theories with a holographic dual is directly related to probing …
Transport in inhomogeneous quantum critical fluids and in the Dirac fluid in graphene
We develop a general hydrodynamic framework for computing direct current, thermal, and
electric transport in a strongly interacting finite-temperature quantum system near a Lorentz …
electric transport in a strongly interacting finite-temperature quantum system near a Lorentz …
Solid holography and massive gravity
A bstract Momentum dissipation is an important ingredient in condensed matter physics that
requires a translation breaking sector. In the bottom-up gauge/gravity duality, this implies …
requires a translation breaking sector. In the bottom-up gauge/gravity duality, this implies …
[CARTE][B] Applied holography: a practical mini-course
M Baggioli - 2019 - Springer
SpringerBriefs in Physics are a series of slim high-quality publications encompassing the
entire spectrum of physics. Manuscripts for SpringerBriefs in Physics will be evaluated by …
entire spectrum of physics. Manuscripts for SpringerBriefs in Physics will be evaluated by …
Incoherent transport in clean quantum critical metals
A bstract In a clean quantum critical metal, and in the absence of umklapp, most dc
conductivities are formally infinite due to momentum conservation. However, there is a …
conductivities are formally infinite due to momentum conservation. However, there is a …
Entropy production, viscosity bounds and bumpy black holes
A bstract The ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, η/s, is computed in various
holographic geometries that break translation invariance (but are isotropic). The shear …
holographic geometries that break translation invariance (but are isotropic). The shear …