The ventriloquist illusion as a tool to study multisensory processing: An update
P Bruns - Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Ventriloquism, the illusion that a voice appears to come from the moving mouth of a puppet
rather than from the actual speaker, is one of the classic examples of multisensory …
rather than from the actual speaker, is one of the classic examples of multisensory …
Audiovisual temporal integration: Cognitive processing, neural mechanisms, developmental trajectory and potential interventions
H Zhou, EFC Cheung, RCK Chan - Neuropsychologia, 2020 - Elsevier
To integrate auditory and visual signals into a unified percept, the paired stimuli must co-
occur within a limited time window known as the Temporal Binding Window (TBW). The …
occur within a limited time window known as the Temporal Binding Window (TBW). The …
Development and experience-dependence of multisensory spatial processing
Multisensory spatial processes are fundamental for efficient interaction with the world. They
include not only the integration of spatial cues across sensory modalities, but also the …
include not only the integration of spatial cues across sensory modalities, but also the …
Audiovisual simultaneity windows reflect temporal sensory uncertainty
E Cary, I Lahdesmaki, S Badde - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2024 - Springer
The ability to judge the temporal alignment of visual and auditory information is a
prerequisite for multisensory integration and segregation. However, each temporal …
prerequisite for multisensory integration and segregation. However, each temporal …
The best fitting of three contemporary observer models reveals how participants' strategy influences the window of subjective synchrony.
When experimenters vary the timing between two intersensory events, and participants
judge their simultaneity, an inverse-U-shaped psychometric function is obtained. Typically …
judge their simultaneity, an inverse-U-shaped psychometric function is obtained. Typically …
Crossmodal associations modulate multisensory spatial integration
According to the Bayesian framework of multisensory integration, audiovisual stimuli
associated with a stronger prior belief that they share a common cause (ie, causal prior) are …
associated with a stronger prior belief that they share a common cause (ie, causal prior) are …
The context of experienced sensory discrepancies shapes multisensory integration and recalibration differently
Whether two sensory cues interact during perceptual judgements depends not only on their
immediate properties, but also the overall context in which these are encountered. While in …
immediate properties, but also the overall context in which these are encountered. While in …
[HTML][HTML] Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying cross-modal associations and their influence on perceptual decisions
When exposed to complementary features of information across sensory modalities, our
brains formulate cross-modal associations between features of stimuli presented separately …
brains formulate cross-modal associations between features of stimuli presented separately …
The stimulus‐driven and representation‐driven cross‐modal attentional spreading are both modulated by audiovisual temporal synchrony
S Zhao, F Ma, J **e, Y Zhou, C Feng… - Psychophysiology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Multisensory integration and attention can interact in a way that attention to the visual
constituent of a multisensory object results in an attentional spreading to its ignored auditory …
constituent of a multisensory object results in an attentional spreading to its ignored auditory …
Combining the senses: The role of experience-and task-dependent mechanisms in the development of audiovisual simultaneity perception.
K Petrini, G Denis, SA Love… - Journal of Experimental …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
The brain's ability to integrate information from the different senses is essential for
decreasing sensory uncertainty and ultimately limiting errors. Temporal correspondence is …
decreasing sensory uncertainty and ultimately limiting errors. Temporal correspondence is …