Universal many-body response of heavy impurities coupled to a Fermi sea: a review of recent progress
In this report we discuss the dynamical response of heavy quantum impurities immersed in a
Fermi gas at zero and at finite temperature. Studying both the frequency and the time …
Fermi gas at zero and at finite temperature. Studying both the frequency and the time …
Repulsive Fermi and Bose polarons in quantum gases
Polaron quasiparticles are formed when a mobile impurity is coupled to the elementary
excitations of a many-particle background. In the field of ultracold atoms, the study of the …
excitations of a many-particle background. In the field of ultracold atoms, the study of the …
Repulsive Fermi Polarons in a Resonant Mixture of Ultracold Atoms
We employ radio-frequency spectroscopy to investigate a polarized spin mixture of ultracold
Li 6 atoms close to a broad Feshbach scattering resonance. Focusing on the regime of …
Li 6 atoms close to a broad Feshbach scattering resonance. Focusing on the regime of …
Heavy polarons in ultracold atomic Fermi superfluids at the BEC-BCS crossover: Formalism and applications
We investigate the system of a heavy impurity embedded in a paired two-component Fermi
gas at the crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to a Bardeen-Cooper …
gas at the crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to a Bardeen-Cooper …
Quasiparticle lifetime of the repulsive Fermi polaron
We investigate the metastable repulsive branch of a mobile impurity coupled to a
degenerate Fermi gas via short-range interactions. We show that the quasiparticle lifetime of …
degenerate Fermi gas via short-range interactions. We show that the quasiparticle lifetime of …
Numerical analytic continuation: Answers to well-posed questions
We formulate the problem of numerical analytic continuation in a way that lets us draw
meaningful conclusions about the properties of the spectral function based solely on the …
meaningful conclusions about the properties of the spectral function based solely on the …
Theory of the spectral function of Fermi polarons at finite temperature
We develop a general theory of Fermi polarons at nonzero temperature, including particle-
hole excitations of the Fermi sea shakeup to arbitrarily high orders. The exact set of …
hole excitations of the Fermi sea shakeup to arbitrarily high orders. The exact set of …
Fermi polarons at finite temperature: Spectral function and rf spectroscopy
We present a systematic study of a mobile impurity immersed in a three-dimensional Fermi
sea of fermions at finite temperature, by using the standard non-self-consistent many-body T …
sea of fermions at finite temperature, by using the standard non-self-consistent many-body T …
Attractive Fermi polarons at nonzero temperatures with a finite impurity concentration
We theoretically investigate how quasiparticle properties of an attractive Fermi polaron are
affected by nonzero temperature and finite impurity concentration in three dimensions and in …
affected by nonzero temperature and finite impurity concentration in three dimensions and in …
Exact quasiparticle properties of a heavy polaron in BCS Fermi superfluids
We present the Ramsey response and radio-frequency spectroscopy of a heavy impurity
immersed in an interacting Fermi superfluid, using the exact functional determinant …
immersed in an interacting Fermi superfluid, using the exact functional determinant …