[CARTE][B] Tracing early agriculture in the highlands of New Guinea: Plot, mound and ditch

T Denham - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
In this book, historical narratives chart how people created forms of agriculture in the
highlands of New Guinea and how these practices were transformed through time. The …

QEMSCAN® analysis of clay-rich stratigraphy associated with early agricultural contexts at Kuk Swamp, Papua New Guinea

J Mason, E Lin, E Grono, T Denham - Journal of Archaeological Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscope
(QEMSCAN®) provides a diagnostic analytical tool to investigate clay-rich stratigraphy in …

Holocene tephras in the New Guinea highlands: Explosive volcanism in the Bismarck arc produces chronostratigraphic markers for interdisciplinary study

C Firth, R Blong, S Haberle, H Davies… - The …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
In the highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG), tephras are key chronostratigraphic markers
for archaeological and palaeoenvironmental studies. Here, mid-Late-Holocene tephras are …

Evaluating the Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect in lake Kutubu, papua new guinea

L Schneider, CF Pain, S Haberle, R Blong… - …, 2019 - cambridge.org
We examined the radiocarbon (14C) reservoir effect in Lake Kutubu using tephrochronology
and terrestrial plant material to deliver a precise age-depth profile and sedimentation rates …

Middle–Upper pleistocene tephras in the Papua New Guinea highlands

CF Pain - Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Eighteen Middle–Upper Pleistocene (ca 200 ka) tephra units in the highlands of
Papua New Guinea (PNG) are mapped and described. The study area is about 24 000 km2 …

A renewed archaeological and archaeobotanical assessment of house sites at Kuk Swamp in the highlands of Papua New Guinea

T Lewis, T Denham, J Golson - Archaeology in Oceania, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
House sites located on the wetland margin at Kuk Swamp in the Upper Wahgi Valley of
Papua New Guinea were excavated in 1972 and 1973. Macrobotanical remains collected …

Stratigraphy, age and correlation of two widespread late Holocene tephras preserved within Lake Kutubu, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea

L Schneider, BV Alloway, RJ Blong… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Sediment cores were retrieved from Lake Kutubu, the largest upland lake in Papua New
Guinea, to assess palaeoenvironmental baselines. Two prominent tephra layers were …

[PDF][PDF] Late Quaternary Tephras in the Papua New Guinea Highlands

CF Pain - researchgate.net
Volcanic ash, or tephra, is an important product of volcanic eruptions. The word
'tephra'originates from a Greek word τεϕρα meaning 'ashes.'The plural is either tephra or …


N Rothwell, J Morrison