Validation of the ABZ landing gear system using ProB
L Ladenberger, D Hansen, H Wiegard… - International Journal on …, 2017 - Springer
In this article, we present our formalization of the ABZ landing gear case study in Event-B.
The development was carried out using the Rodin platform and mainly used superposition …
The development was carried out using the Rodin platform and mainly used superposition …
[HTML][HTML] Rapid creation of interactive formal prototypes for validating safety-critical systems
L Ladenberger - 2017 - docserv.uni-duesseldorf.de
Beschreibungen: The application of formal methods to the development of interactive safety-
critical systems usually involves a multidisciplinary team with different roles and expertise …
critical systems usually involves a multidisciplinary team with different roles and expertise …
An Approach to Develo** Data Visualization Tools Based on Domain Specific Modeling
AD Dzheiranian, ID Ermakov, KA Proskuryakov… - Scientific …, 2024 - sv-journal.org
An approach to the development of data visualization tools is described that provides the
ability to customize to the needs of users and the specifics of the domains in which they …
ability to customize to the needs of users and the specifics of the domains in which they …
Visualization of formal specifications for understanding and debugging an industrial DSL
U Tikhonova, M Manders, R Boudewijns - … , Vienna Austria, July 4-8, 2016 …, 2016 - Springer
In this work we report on our proof of concept of a generic approach: visualized formal
specification of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) can be used for debugging …
specification of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) can be used for debugging …
User assistance characteristics of the USE model checking tool
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely used general purpose modeling
language. Together with the Object Constraint Language (OCL), formal models can be …
language. Together with the Object Constraint Language (OCL), formal models can be …
Research on the realizability of microservice interaction contract based on CSP
R Wu, Q Duan, F Dai, H Yang… - 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Microservice Architecture is a new development paradigm that transforms the traditional
business-oriented information management system into the collaborative work of …
business-oriented information management system into the collaborative work of …
[PDF][PDF] Engineering the dynamic semantics of domain specific languages
U Tikhonova - 2017 - research.tue.nl
" Look, old boy," said the machine," if I could do everything starting with 'n'in every possible
language, I'd be a Machine That Could Do Everything in the Whole Alphabet, since any item …
language, I'd be a Machine That Could Do Everything in the Whole Alphabet, since any item …
Human-oriented formal modelling of human-computer interaction: practitioners' and students' perspectives
A Cerone - … : Applications and Foundations: STAF 2016 Collocated …, 2016 - Springer
Practitioners and students tend to have a negative inclination towards formal methods and
consider them hard to learn and unusable in practice. In this paper we analyse the …
consider them hard to learn and unusable in practice. In this paper we analyse the …
[PDF][PDF] Improving explicit-state model checking for B and Event-B
IM Dobrikov - 2018 - d-nb.info
Appendix G provides detailed information on my individual contributions to each of the
above-mentioned articles. The algorithms mentioned in this thesis are implemented as part …
above-mentioned articles. The algorithms mentioned in this thesis are implemented as part …
[PDF][PDF] студент магистратуры, образовательная программа «Бизнес-аналитика», Пермский филиал НИУ ВШЭ, г. Пермь E-mail: k. proskuryakov22@ gmail. com
ЛН Лядова - publications.hse.ru
Цель проекта–апробация подхода к генерации кода, реализующего пользовательские
модели визуализации данных, на основе метамоделей визуальных предметно …
модели визуализации данных, на основе метамоделей визуальных предметно …