A skill application model to improve teacher competence and professionalism

AS Aris, AA Haqq, W Winarso - International Journal …, 2022‏ - repository.syekhnurjati.ac.id
Teacher professionalism is needed for quality education. The current practice for increasing
teacher professionalism is to use skill applications. However, the implementation of skill …

The role of educational technologists in building the skills of early childhood teachers with TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara approach

D Kuswandi, ZZA Thaariq, LR Ramadhani… - 2nd Early Childhood …, 2020‏ - atlantis-press.com
The purpose of this study is to examine and describe the efforts to build the skills of Early
Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers through training in the use of technology in PAUD …

Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Inklusi bagi Peserta Didik Learning Disability di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kota Mataram

IK Widiada, S Sudirman, D Darmiany… - Jurnal …, 2021‏ - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
The aims of research are to; 1) describe the types of learning difficulties of SNS, 2)
Identifying the learning model applied by the classroom teacher to students with learning …

Media Permainan Monopoli Pada Muatan PPKn Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

NKD Kartika, M Putra - Jurnal Penelitian Dan …, 2021‏ - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
Mata pembelaaran PPKn merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang didalamnya terdapat
penanaman nilai-nilai pancasila, namun pada proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran PPKn …

Pengelolaan Media Pembelajaran Digital bagi Peningkatan Kualitas Guru di SMP Wahid Hasyim

ZZA Thaariq, LR Ramadhani, D Kuswandi… - Prosiding …, 2020‏ - conference.um.ac.id
Masa pandemi menuntut adanya pembelajaran daring bagi guru maupun siswa. Salah satu
sekolah yang melaksanakan pembelajaran secara daring adalah SMP Wahid Hasyim yang …

Analysis Of Learners Characteristics And Learning Process Preferences During Online Learning

ZZA Thaariq, E Surahman, SA Murti… - 1st International …, 2020‏ - atlantis-press.com
This research aims to find out the preferences of the learning process conducted by students
while online learning is underway. These preferences are seen from the platform used, the …

Empowering internet of educational things (ioet) to develop digital capabilities for wahid hasyim junior high school teachers

ZZA Thaariq, R Nurdiyanto, U Karima… - Riau Journal of …, 2024‏ - raje.unri.ac.id
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a digital-based learning shift, creating a significant
learning gap in the Merdeka Curriculum era as face-to-face education resumes. SMP Wahid …

Project based learning dan contextual teaching and learning serta gaya belajar pada ilmu pengetahuan alam

L Mulyaningsih, DA Walujo - Edcomtech, 2021‏ - neliti.com
CTL terhadap kemampuan belajar IPA, mengetahui pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap
kemampuan belajar IPA, dan mengetahui interaksi antara penerapan pembelajaran PBL …

Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Perilaku Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Buddha

L Lamirin, J Sangaji… - … Buddha dan Isu …, 2020‏ - journal.stab-bodhidharma.ac.id
Penelitian dilakukan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 3 Palembang, dilaksanaan
pada bulan April sampai bulan Agustus 2013. Variabel Penelitain: Komunikasi Interpersonal …

Preference of Early Childhood Teachers in Using Instructional Media: A Systematic Survey

ZZA Thaariq - SEA-CECCEP, 2023‏ - seameo-ceccep.org
Instructional media is a fundamental need for teachers, especially those who teach early
childhood, in transmitting messages as taught material. Early childhood teachers have …