Forward-looking roadmaps for long-term continuous water quality monitoring: bottlenecks, innovations, and prospects in a critical review
Long-term continuous monitoring (LTCM) of water quality can bring far-reaching influences
on water ecosystems by providing spatiotemporal data sets of diverse parameters and …
on water ecosystems by providing spatiotemporal data sets of diverse parameters and …
A fractal model for the electrical conductivity of water-saturated porous media during mineral precipitation-dissolution processes
Precipitation and dissolution are prime processes in carbonate rocks and being able to
monitor them is of major importance for aquifer and reservoir exploitation or environmental …
monitor them is of major importance for aquifer and reservoir exploitation or environmental …
Karst and karst water recourses of Albania and their management
R Eftimi - Carbonates and evaporites, 2020 - Springer
Albania is situated in the western part of Balkan Peninsula, on the eastern coast of the
Adriatic and the Ionian Sea, which is one of the most water− rich regions of the world. The …
Adriatic and the Ionian Sea, which is one of the most water− rich regions of the world. The …
Electrospraying Zwitterionic Copolymers as an Effective Biofouling Control for Accurate and Continuous Monitoring of Wastewater Dynamics in a Real-Time and Long …
Long-term continuous monitoring (LTCM) of water quality can provide high-fidelity datasets
essential for executing swift control and enhancing system efficiency. One roadblock for …
essential for executing swift control and enhancing system efficiency. One roadblock for …
Multiparametric stations for real-time monitoring and long-term assessment of natural hazards
The present work would like to illustrate a new concept of multiparametric stations to
characterize the crustal fluids-tectonic interaction in specific geological contexts. The …
characterize the crustal fluids-tectonic interaction in specific geological contexts. The …
Hydrodynamics of karst aquifers in metamorphic carbonate rocks: Results from spring monitoring in the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy)
During the last 40 years, extensive research has characterized the hydrogeology of many
karst aquifers, as they are important water resources. Despite that, a systematic investigation …
karst aquifers, as they are important water resources. Despite that, a systematic investigation …
High-resolution multi-parameter monitoring of microbial water quality and particles at two alpine karst springs as a basis for an early-warning system
Karst aquifers are important resources for drinking water supply and are very vulnerable to
contamination. Microbial concentrations at karst springs, in particular, often vary quickly over …
contamination. Microbial concentrations at karst springs, in particular, often vary quickly over …
Estimation of epikarst air PCO2 using measurements of water δ13CTDIC, cave air PCO2 and δ13CCO2
N Peyraube, R Lastennet, A Denis… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013 - Elsevier
When present, an epikarst represents the starting point (the first karst compartment) of water
flow through a karst system. The air characteristics in a karst, and especially in an epikarst …
flow through a karst system. The air characteristics in a karst, and especially in an epikarst …
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the unsaturated zone of a karstic massif, using the PCO2–SIc relationship
N Peyraube, R Lastennet, A Denis - Journal of hydrology, 2012 - Elsevier
In karstic environments, groundwater is strongly influenced by CO2 partial pressure
variations of air present in the infiltration zone of these aquifers. In order to characterize the …
variations of air present in the infiltration zone of these aquifers. In order to characterize the …
Temporal variations of spring hydrochemistry as clues to the karst system behaviour: an example of Louros Catchment
Effectively managing water resources in karst systems requires a thorough understanding of
their general conduit network along with their seasonal dynamics. Their investigation has …
their general conduit network along with their seasonal dynamics. Their investigation has …