Compositional variability of lignin in biomass
The objective of this chapter is to provide a concise overview of lignin composition and
structure in different species and materials (wood, barks and nonwood plants). It includes a …
structure in different species and materials (wood, barks and nonwood plants). It includes a …
[HTML][HTML] Insights for the Valorization of Biomass from Portuguese Invasive Acacia spp. in a Biorefinery Perspective
Acacia spp. are widespread all over the Portuguese territory, representing a threat to local
biodiversity and to the productivity of the forest sector. The measures adopted in some …
biodiversity and to the productivity of the forest sector. The measures adopted in some …
Comparative physiological, biochemical, metabolomic, and transcriptomic analyses reveal the formation mechanism of heartwood for Acacia melanoxylon
R Zhang, Z Zhang, C Yan, Z Chen, X Li, B Zeng, B Hu - BMC Plant Biology, 2024 - Springer
Acacia melanoxylon is well known as a valuable commercial tree species owing to its high-
quality heartwood (HW) products. However, the metabolism and regulatory mechanism of …
quality heartwood (HW) products. However, the metabolism and regulatory mechanism of …
Variation of wood density and mechanical properties of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.)
The variation of wood density and mechanical properties with site, tree and within tree
(longitudinal and radial) were studied for blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.) grown in …
(longitudinal and radial) were studied for blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.) grown in …
Chemical characterization and extractives composition of heartwood and sapwood from Quercus faginea
Heartwood and sapwood of Quercus faginea were evaluated in relation to summative
chemical composition and non-polar and polar extracts composition, including an …
chemical composition and non-polar and polar extracts composition, including an …
Variation of extractives content in heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus trees
MC Morais, H Pereira - Wood Science and Technology, 2012 - Springer
The variation in extractives content in sapwood and heartwood was investigated among 12
trees in each of four commercial plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in central Portugal. The …
trees in each of four commercial plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in central Portugal. The …
Engineered invasive plant cellulose fibers as resources for papermaking
Seven fast-growing invasive plant species were harvested in Slovenia and tested for their
valorisation potential in the pulp and paper industry with the aim of sustainable substitution …
valorisation potential in the pulp and paper industry with the aim of sustainable substitution …
[HTML][HTML] Valorisation Potential of Invasive Acacia dealbata, A. longifolia and A. melanoxylon from Land Clearings
Acacia spp. are invasive in Southern Europe, and their high propagation rates produce
excessive biomass, exacerbating wildfire risk. However, lignocellulosic biomass from Acacia …
excessive biomass, exacerbating wildfire risk. However, lignocellulosic biomass from Acacia …
Pyrolysis of eastern redcedar: Distribution and characteristics of fast and slow pyrolysis products
Eastern redcedar is a problematic plant in Oklahoma due to its extinguished environmental
flexibility and rapid expansion. Thermally converting solid biomass polymers into liquid fuel …
flexibility and rapid expansion. Thermally converting solid biomass polymers into liquid fuel …
Influence on pul** yield and pulp properties of wood density of Acacia melanoxylon
Wood density and pulp yield are key parameters in the evaluation of tree productivity and
quality for pul** and their relationships are of high practical importance. The influence of …
quality for pul** and their relationships are of high practical importance. The influence of …