Compositional variability of lignin in biomass

A Lourenço, H Pereira - Lignin-trends and applications, 2018 -
The objective of this chapter is to provide a concise overview of lignin composition and
structure in different species and materials (wood, barks and nonwood plants). It includes a …

[HTML][HTML] Insights for the Valorization of Biomass from Portuguese Invasive Acacia spp. in a Biorefinery Perspective

R Correia, JC Quintela, MP Duarte, M Gonçalves - Forests, 2020 -
Acacia spp. are widespread all over the Portuguese territory, representing a threat to local
biodiversity and to the productivity of the forest sector. The measures adopted in some …

Comparative physiological, biochemical, metabolomic, and transcriptomic analyses reveal the formation mechanism of heartwood for Acacia melanoxylon

R Zhang, Z Zhang, C Yan, Z Chen, X Li, B Zeng, B Hu - BMC Plant Biology, 2024 - Springer
Acacia melanoxylon is well known as a valuable commercial tree species owing to its high-
quality heartwood (HW) products. However, the metabolism and regulatory mechanism of …

Variation of wood density and mechanical properties of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.)

JS Machado, JL Louzada, AJA Santos, L Nunes… - Materials & Design …, 2014 - Elsevier
The variation of wood density and mechanical properties with site, tree and within tree
(longitudinal and radial) were studied for blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.) grown in …

Chemical characterization and extractives composition of heartwood and sapwood from Quercus faginea

I Miranda, V Sousa, J Ferreira, H Pereira - PLoS One, 2017 -
Heartwood and sapwood of Quercus faginea were evaluated in relation to summative
chemical composition and non-polar and polar extracts composition, including an …

Variation of extractives content in heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus trees

MC Morais, H Pereira - Wood Science and Technology, 2012 - Springer
The variation in extractives content in sapwood and heartwood was investigated among 12
trees in each of four commercial plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in central Portugal. The …

Engineered invasive plant cellulose fibers as resources for papermaking

T Kapun, J Zule, E Fabjan, B Hočevar, M Grilc… - European Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Seven fast-growing invasive plant species were harvested in Slovenia and tested for their
valorisation potential in the pulp and paper industry with the aim of sustainable substitution …

[HTML][HTML] Valorisation Potential of Invasive Acacia dealbata, A. longifolia and A. melanoxylon from Land Clearings

RMF da Costa, M Bosch, R Simister, LD Gomez… - Molecules, 2022 -
Acacia spp. are invasive in Southern Europe, and their high propagation rates produce
excessive biomass, exacerbating wildfire risk. However, lignocellulosic biomass from Acacia …

Pyrolysis of eastern redcedar: Distribution and characteristics of fast and slow pyrolysis products

Z Yang, A Kumar, RL Huhnke, M Buser, S Capareda - Fuel, 2016 - Elsevier
Eastern redcedar is a problematic plant in Oklahoma due to its extinguished environmental
flexibility and rapid expansion. Thermally converting solid biomass polymers into liquid fuel …

Influence on pul** yield and pulp properties of wood density of Acacia melanoxylon

A Santos, O Anjos, ME Amaral, N Gil, H Pereira… - Journal of wood …, 2012 - Springer
Wood density and pulp yield are key parameters in the evaluation of tree productivity and
quality for pul** and their relationships are of high practical importance. The influence of …