Ammonium stress in Arabidopsis: signaling, genetic loci, and physiological targets

B Li, G Li, HJ Kronzucker, F Baluška, W Shi - Trends in plant science, 2014 -
Ammonium (NH 4+) toxicity is a significant ecological and agricultural issue, and an
important phenomenon in cell biology. As a result of increasing soil nitrogen input and …

Plasma-activation of tap water using DBD for agronomy applications: Identification and quantification of long lifetime chemical species and production/consumption …

F Judée, S Simon, C Bailly, T Dufour - Water research, 2018 - Elsevier
Cold atmospheric plasmas are weakly ionized gases that can be generated in ambient air.
They produce energetic species (eg electrons, metastables) as well as reactive oxygen …

Silicon mitigates ammonium toxicity in plants

CNS Campos, GB Silva Júnior, RM Prado… - Agronomy …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The search for high yield has identified ammonium toxicity as a problem in arable soils world
wide. Ammonia toxicity can be suppressed by the use of silicon, but this fact still needs to be …

Different nitrogen saturation thresholds for above‐, below‐, and total net primary productivity in a temperate steppe

GJ Yang, C Stevens, ZJ Zhang, XT Lü… - Global Change …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Identifying the thresholds for the positive responses of total net primary productivity (NPP) to
nitrogen (N) enrichment is an essential prerequisite for predicting the benefits of N …

Effects of melatonin on seedling growth, mineral nutrition, and nitrogen metabolism in cucumber under nitrate stress

R Zhang, Y Sun, Z Liu, W **… - Journal of Pineal …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In China, excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in glasshouses leads to nitrate accumulations
in soil and plants, which then limits productivity. Melatonin, an evolutionarily highly …

Effects of foliar application of some macro-and micro-nutrients on tomato plants in aquaponic and hydroponic systems

HR Roosta, M Hamidpour - Scientia Horticulturae, 2011 - Elsevier
An aquaponic system was designed to investigate effects of foliar applications of some micro-
and macro-nutrients on tomato growth and yield in comparison with a hydroponic system …

Optimizing maize yield, nitrogen efficacy and grain protein content under different N forms and rates

IO Ochieng', HI Gitari, B Mochoge… - Journal of Soil Science …, 2021 - Springer
This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of nitrogen (N) forms: ammonium, nitrate, and urea
on maize performance, N uptake and use efficiency, and the grain protein content. The …

Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in rice links to NH4 + toxicity and futile NH4 + cycling in roots

G Chen, S Guo, HJ Kronzucker, W Shi - Plant and Soil, 2013 - Springer
Aims Rice is known as an ammonium (NH 4+)-tolerant species. Nevertheless, rice can suffer
NH 4+ toxicity, and excessive use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has raised NH 4+ in many paddy …

Metabolic engineering of a diazotrophic bacterium improves ammonium release and biofertilization of plants and microalgae

R Ambrosio, JCF Ortiz-Marquez, L Curatti - Metabolic Engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
The biological nitrogen fixation carried out by some Bacteria and Archaea is one of the most
attractive alternatives to synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. However, with the exception of the …

High irradiance improves ammonium tolerance in wheat plants by increasing N assimilation

I Setién, T Fuertes-Mendizabal, A González… - Journal of Plant …, 2013 - Elsevier
Ammonium is a paradoxical nutrient ion. Despite being a common intermediate in plant
metabolism whose oxidation state eliminates the need for its reduction in the plant cell, as …