[HTML][HTML] Security and privacy concerns in cloud-based scientific and business workflows: A systematic review

N Soveizi, F Turkmen, D Karastoyanova - Future Generation Computer …, 2023 - Elsevier
Today, the number of data-intensive and compute-intensive applications like business and
scientific workflows has dramatically increased, which made cloud computing more popular …

Hybrid scheduling for scientific workflows on hybrid clouds

A Pasdar, YC Lee, K Almi'ani - Computer Networks, 2020 - Elsevier
Scientific workflows consist of many interdependent tasks dictated by their data
dependencies. As these workflows are becoming resource-intensive in both data and …

Vm reassignment in hybrid clouds for large decentralised companies: A multi-objective challenge

T Saber, J Thorburn, L Murphy, A Ventresque - Future Generation …, 2018 - Elsevier
Optimising the data centres of large IT organisations is complex as (i) they are composed of
various hosting departments with their own preferences and (ii) reassignment solutions can …

[PDF][PDF] Success factors affecting the healthcare professionals to utilize cloud computing services

A Meri, MK Hasan, N Safie - Asia-Pacific Journal of Information …, 2017 - academia.edu
Integrating the new technologies to improve the healthcare services can be seen as one of
the research trends nowadays, as earlier studies have recommended the potential of …

Study on fundamental usage of CloudSim simulator and algorithms of resource allocation in cloud computing

E Rani, H Kaur - 2017 8th International Conference on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing is an internet-based pool of heterogeneous resources. The development
of Cloud is scalable and reliable to make availability of resources when required to online …

A cooperative scheduling method based on the device load feedback for multiple tasks scheduling

Y **n, YD Wang, ZQ **e, J Yang - Journal of Network and Computer …, 2017 - Elsevier
With the development of cloud computing, the traditional Star Scheduling System with solo
scheduler can not meet the requirement of distributed system. Thus, we designed a …

Data‐aware and simulation‐driven planning of scientific workflows on IaaS clouds

T N'Takpé, J Edgard Gnimassoun… - Concurrency and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The promise of an easy access to a virtually unlimited number of resources makes
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds a good candidate for the execution of data‐intensive …

Multi-level security model for privacy preserving in the cloud workflow scheduling

SS Hammed, B Arunkumar - International Journal of …, 2021 - inderscienceonline.com
The traditional security provisioning is concentrating on the authentication of all the data that
are critical or no critical results in the increase in computational time and cost. Further, the …

Budget-Constraint Workflow Scheduling for Cloud Computing Using Evolutionary Algorithm

M Kaya - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Bulut bilişim, gerçek dünya uygulamaları için güçlü, yüksek düzeyde ölçeklenebilir, esnek
kaynaklar sağlar. Maliyet ve işletme giderlerini de azaltır. Bulut bilişimde daha yüksek …

TRETA-A Novel Heuristic Based Workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Environment

KMSU Bandaranayake, KPN Jayasena… - 2020 IEEE 15th …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm that lets users access services over the
internet. Cloud provides scalable, on-demand resources and highly accessible. Cloud …