Low energy nuclear physics with active targets and time projection chambers

D Bazin, T Ahn, Y Ayyad, S Beceiro-Novo… - Progress in Particle and …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
This article aims at covering various low energy nuclear physics themes that can benefit
from taking advantage of active targets and time projection chambers. They are naturally …

Strong Evidence for and the Limits of Existence of Atomic Nuclei

RJ Charity, J Wylie, SM Wang, TB Webb, KW Brown… - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
The boundaries of the chart of nuclides contain exotic isotopes that possess extreme proton-
to-neutron asymmetries. Here we report on strong evidence of N 9, one of the most exotic …

An empirical formula for the half-lives of exotic two-proton emission

I Sreeja, M Balasubramaniam - The European Physical Journal A, 2019‏ - Springer
An empirical formula is proposed for the two-proton decay half-lives. This study is an
extension of the empirical formula reported recently by us for calculating the logarithmic half …

Structure and decay of the extremely proton-rich nuclei

SM Wang, W Nazarewicz, RJ Charity, LG Sobotka - Physical Review C, 2019‏ - APS
Background: The recent observation of the unbound nucleus O 11 offers the unique
possibility to study how the structure and dynamics of two-proton (2 p) decay is affected by …

Gamow-shell-model description of Li isotopes and their mirror partners

X Mao, J Rotureau, W Nazarewicz, N Michel… - Physical Review C, 2020‏ - APS
Background: Weakly bound and unbound nuclei close to particle drip lines are laboratories
of new nuclear structure physics at the extremes of neutron/proton excess. The …

Invariant-mass spectroscopy in projectile fragmentation reactions

RJ Charity, LG Sobotka - Physical Review C, 2023‏ - APS
The fragmentation of a projectile into a number of pieces can lead to the creation of many
resonances in different nuclei. We discuss application of the invariant-mass method to the …

Structure of through proton resonance scattering with the Texas Active Target detector

J Hooker, GV Rogachev, E Koshchiy, S Ahn, M Barbui… - Physical Review C, 2019‏ - APS
Background: Level structure of the most neutron-deficient nucleon-bound carbon isotope, C
9, is not well known. Definitive spin-parity assignments are only available for two excited …

Energy and width of

HT Fortune - Physical Review C, 2019‏ - APS
Energy and width of $\sideset{^{11}}{} {\mathop{\rm O}} \rm(gs)$ Page 1 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
99, 051302(R) (2019) Rapid Communications Energy and width of 11O(g.s.) HT Fortune …

Collectivization of anti-analog strength above charged particle thresholds

J Okołowicz, M Płoszajczak, RJ Charity, LG Sobotka - Physical Review C, 2018‏ - APS
Ten years ago, highly excited states were found in Li 9 and Be 10 a few hundred kilovolts
above the proton decay threshold. These physical states are too low in energy to be the …

Mirror energy differences of , and states

HT Fortune - Physical Review C, 2018‏ - APS
I have examined mirror energy differences between 2 s 1/2, 1 d 5/2, and 1 f 7/2 single-
particle states in neutron-excess light nuclei and their proton-excess mirrors. I expand on the …