Regulatory institutional quality and long-run primary capital market development: the Nigerian case
PO Eke, KA Adetiloye, JN Taiwo - Afro-Asian Journal of …, 2018 - inderscienceonline.com
The role of the financial regulator is significant in the development of its sector. This paper
examines the impact of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the …
examines the impact of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the …
[HTML][HTML] a comparative Financial Performance of the Gcc's largest banks During the Pandemic
This paper investigates the financial performance of the largest Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) banks by total assets before and during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose …
(GCC) banks by total assets before and during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose …
Martingale effect of conventional vs. Islamic stock indices: evidence from the UAE
H Marashdeh, S Ashraf - Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
This study aims to identify the martingale effect of conventional and Shariah equity markets
in the United Arab Emirates. The study employs the runs test for randomness, and the …
in the United Arab Emirates. The study employs the runs test for randomness, and the …
Сравнительный анализ финансовых показателей крупнейших банков стран Персидского залива во время пандемии
СА Харузи, ШP Мурти - … : теория и практика/Finance: Theory and …, 2022 - financetp.fa.ru
Аннотация Авторы исследуют финансовые показатели крупнейших банков стран,
входящих в Совет сотрудничества арабских государств Персидского залива (ССАГПЗ) …
входящих в Совет сотрудничества арабских государств Персидского залива (ССАГПЗ) …