From academic to applied: Operationalising resilience in river systems
M Parsons, MC Thoms - Geomorphology, 2018 - Elsevier
The concept of resilience acknowledges the ability of societies to live and develop with
dynamic environments. Given the recognition of the need to prepare for anticipated and …
dynamic environments. Given the recognition of the need to prepare for anticipated and …
Science for the sustainable use of ecosystem services
Sustainability is a key challenge for humanity in the 21st century. Ecosystem services—the
benefits that people derive from nature and natural capital—is a concept often used to help …
benefits that people derive from nature and natural capital—is a concept often used to help …
Strategies for managing complex social-ecological systems in the face of uncertainty: examples from South Africa and beyond
Improving our ability to manage complex, rapidly changing social-ecological systems is one
of the defining challenges of the 21st century. This is particularly crucial if large-scale …
of the defining challenges of the 21st century. This is particularly crucial if large-scale …
A stakeholder-based framework for improving the resilience of groundwater resources in arid regions
In this paper, a new stakeholder-based framework is proposed for groundwater resources
management in arid regions. In this framework, rough set theory is used for the probabilistic …
management in arid regions. In this framework, rough set theory is used for the probabilistic …
The ocean, climate change and resilience: Making ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction more resilient to climate change and other anthropogenic activities
SS Yadav, KM Gjerde - Marine Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
The ocean is threatened by climate change, overexploitation, pollution, habitat loss, and
other pressures as well as their cumulative impacts. Over 60% of the ocean that lies in areas …
other pressures as well as their cumulative impacts. Over 60% of the ocean that lies in areas …
Polycentricity and regional ocean governance: Implications for the emerging UN agreement on marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction
KM Gjerde, SS Yadav - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021 - frontiersin.org
The governance of the two-thirds of the world's ocean in areas beyond national jurisdiction
(the high seas and deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction or ABNJ) is currently …
(the high seas and deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction or ABNJ) is currently …
[CARTE][B] Ecosystem services and poverty alleviation: trade-offs and governance
Understanding how to sustain the services that ecosystems provide in support of human
wellbeing is an active and growing research area. This book provides a state-of-the-art …
wellbeing is an active and growing research area. This book provides a state-of-the-art …
Understanding climate change and resilience: assessing strengths and opportunities for adaptation in the Global South
Better integration of resilience and climate change adaptation can help building climate-
resilient development. Yet, resilience and adaptation to climate change have evolved largely …
resilient development. Yet, resilience and adaptation to climate change have evolved largely …
A resilience-based robustness evaluation framework for sustainable urban flood management under uncertainty
Urban drainage systems (UDSs) may experience failure encountering uncertain future
conditions. These uncertainties arise from internal and external threats such as …
conditions. These uncertainties arise from internal and external threats such as …
Adaptive co-management of biodiversity in rural socio-ecological systems of Ecuador and Latin America
Biodiversity management in Ecuador, and across Latin America, focuses on using protected
areas for conservation purposes. However, this management strategy does not adequately …
areas for conservation purposes. However, this management strategy does not adequately …