The fundamental physics of directive beaming at microwave and optical frequencies and the role of leaky waves
This review paper summarizes various aspects of directive beaming and explains these
aspects in terms of leaky waves. Directive beaming occurs in antenna design where a …
aspects in terms of leaky waves. Directive beaming occurs in antenna design where a …
Enhanced Transmission through Periodic Arrays of Subwavelength Holes:<? format?> The Role of Localized Waveguide Resonances
By using the rigid full-vectorial three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method, we
show that the enhanced transmission through a metallic film with a periodic array of …
show that the enhanced transmission through a metallic film with a periodic array of …
Extraordinary transmission through arrays of electrically small holes from a circuit theory perspective
Extraordinary optical transmission of light or electromagnetic waves through metal plates
periodically perforated with subwavelength holes has been exhaustively analyzed in the last …
periodically perforated with subwavelength holes has been exhaustively analyzed in the last …
Extraordinary transmission through arrays of slits: a circuit theory model
Extraordinary transmission and other interesting related phenomena for 1-D periodic arrays
of slits (compound diffraction gratings) have recently been the object of intense research in …
of slits (compound diffraction gratings) have recently been the object of intense research in …
The interaction of radio-frequency fields with dielectric materials at macroscopic to mesoscopic scales
J Baker-Jarvis, S Kim - Journal of research of the National …, 2012 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The goal of this paper is to overview radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic interactions with
solid and liquid materials from the macroscale to the nanoscale. The overview is geared …
solid and liquid materials from the macroscale to the nanoscale. The overview is geared …
Left-handed extraordinary optical transmission through a photonic crystal of subwavelength hole arrays
Metamaterial structures are artificial materials that show unconventional electromagnetic
properties such as photonic band-gap, extraordinary optical transmission and left-handed …
properties such as photonic band-gap, extraordinary optical transmission and left-handed …
Very low-profile" Bull's Eye" feeder antenna
In this letter, a very low-profile planar horn antenna is proposed. It consists of a
subwavelength aperture placed into a" Bull's Eye" concentric periodic corrugated conducting …
subwavelength aperture placed into a" Bull's Eye" concentric periodic corrugated conducting …
Unlocking complexity using the ECA: The equivalent circuit model as an efficient and physically insightful tool for microwave engineering
In the study of electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, researchers have always
faced the dichotomy of dealing directly with Maxwell's equations (and their complicated …
faced the dichotomy of dealing directly with Maxwell's equations (and their complicated …
Exploring the potential of the multi-modal equivalent circuit approach for stacks of 2-D aperture arrays
Many frequency-selective surface (FSS) structures are based on the use of a single periodic
array of slot/apertures in a conducting sheet embedded in a layered medium. However, it is …
array of slot/apertures in a conducting sheet embedded in a layered medium. However, it is …
Molding left-or right-handed metamaterials by stacked cutoff metallic hole arrays
A novel periodic structure, made of an arbitrary number of stacked subwavelength hole
arrays, exhibiting simultaneously electromagnetic band gap, extraordinary transmission and …
arrays, exhibiting simultaneously electromagnetic band gap, extraordinary transmission and …