Modeling and analysis of functionally graded materials and structures

V Birman, LW Byrd - 2007 -
This paper presents a review of the principal developments in functionally graded materials
(FGMs) with an emphasis on the recent work published since 2000. Diverse areas relevant …

Multiscale methods for composites: a review

P Kanouté, DP Boso, JL Chaboche… - Archives of Computational …, 2009 - Springer
Various multiscale methods are reviewed in the context of modelling mechanical and
thermomechanical responses of composites. They are developed both at the material level …

[HTML][HTML] Micromechanics of spatially uniform heterogeneous media: A critical review and emerging approaches

MJ Pindera, H Khatam, AS Drago, Y Bansal - Composites Part B …, 2009 - Elsevier
Outside of the classical microstructural detail-free estimates of effective moduli,
micromechanical analyses of macroscopically uniform heterogeneous media may be …

Thirty years of the finite volume method for solid mechanics

P Cardiff, I Demirdžić - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021 - Springer
Since early publications in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the finite volume method has
been shown suitable for solid mechanics analyses. At present, there are several flavours of …

Cohesive zone modeling of dynamic failure in homogeneous and functionally graded materials

ZJ Zhang, GH Paulino - International journal of plasticity, 2005 - Elsevier
This work investigates dynamic failure processes in homogeneous and functionally graded
materials (FGMs). The failure criterion is incorporated in the cohesive zone model (CZM) …

[PDF][PDF] A short introduction to basic aspects of continuum micromechanics

HJ Böhm - 1998 -
In the present report some basic issues of and some of the modeling strategies used for
studying static and quasistatic problems in continuum micromechanics of materials are …

Micromechanical modeling and computation of elasto-plastic materials reinforced with distributed-orientation fibers

I Doghri, L Tinel - International Journal of Plasticity, 2005 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the mean-field homogenization of multiphase elasto-plastic materials
reinforced with non-spherical and non-aligned inclusions. Most of the literature on the micro …

[HTML][HTML] Computational homogenization in magneto-mechanics

A Javili, G Chatzigeorgiou, P Steinmann - International Journal of Solids …, 2013 - Elsevier
This work presents a geometrically nonlinear homogenization framework for composites
with magneto-mechanical behavior whereby the composite can be subject to large …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of computational homogenization methods for the prediction of mechanical properties of additively manufactured metal parts

NG March, DR Gunasegaram, AB Murphy - Additive Manufacturing, 2023 - Elsevier
It is well known that the strongly location-dependent microstructures observed in metal parts
made using additive manufacturing (AM) processes differ from those found in components …

On the capabilities of mean-field approaches for the description of plasticity in metal matrix composites

JL Chaboche, P Kanouté, A Roos - International journal of Plasticity, 2005 - Elsevier
Some mean-field approximation methods are considered, with the objective to transfer any
arbitrary local plasticity constitutive description to an overall analytical continuum …