[PDF][PDF] The German reference corpus DeReKo: New developments–new opportunities
This paper discusses current trends in DeReKo, the German Reference Corpus, concerning
legal issues around the recent German copyright reform with positive implications for corpus …
legal issues around the recent German copyright reform with positive implications for corpus …
[หนังสือ][B] A frequency dictionary of German: Core vocabulary for learners
E Tschirner, J Möhring - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This completely updated edition of A Frequency Dictionary of German contains the 5,000
most commonly used words of German today, occurring in a 20-million-word corpus …
most commonly used words of German today, occurring in a 20-million-word corpus …
[PDF][PDF] Little strokes fell great oaks: Creating CoRoLa, the reference corpus of contemporary Romanian
The paper presents the quite long-standing tradition of Romanian corpus acquisition and
processing, which reaches its peak with the reference corpus of contemporary Romanian …
processing, which reaches its peak with the reference corpus of contemporary Romanian …
Building paths to corpus data. A multi-level least effort and maximum return approach
Enabling appropriate access to linguistic research data, both for many researchers and for
innovative research applications, is a challenging task. In this chapter, we describe how we …
innovative research applications, is a challenging task. In this chapter, we describe how we …
Nová koncepce synchronních korpusů psané češtiny.
The paper describes the new corpus SYN2015, the most recent 100 million word corpus of
contemporary written Czech. General notions of corpus representativeness and balance are …
contemporary written Czech. General notions of corpus representativeness and balance are …
[หนังสือ][B] Schriftliche und mündliche Korpora am IDS als Grundlage für die empirische Forschung
M Kupietz, T Schmidt - 2015 - degruyter.com
Die Programmbereiche „Korpuslinguistik “und „Mündliche Korpora “haben am IDS die
Aufgabe, Grundlagen für die empirische Erforschung der deutschen Sprache zu legen …
Aufgabe, Grundlagen für die empirische Erforschung der deutschen Sprache zu legen …
[PDF][PDF] Emergence phenomena in German W-immer/auch-subordinators
T Bossuyt, L De Cuypere… - … Conference on Grammar …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
The present study is concerned with the distributional patterns of the irrelevance particles
immer 'ever'and auch 'also'in German universal concessive conditionals and free relatives …
immer 'ever'and auch 'also'in German universal concessive conditionals and free relatives …
[PDF][PDF] Exploiting alignment in multiparallel corpora for applications in linguistics and language learning
J Graën - 2018 - zora.uzh.ch
Exploiting Alignment in Multiparallel Corpora for Applications in Linguistics and Language
Learning Page 1 Exploiting Alignment in Multiparallel Corpora for Applications in Linguistics …
Learning Page 1 Exploiting Alignment in Multiparallel Corpora for Applications in Linguistics …
[PDF][PDF] Krill: KorAP search and analysis engine
N Diewald, E Margaretha - Journal for Language Technology and …, 2016 - jlcl.org
KorAP1 (Korpusanalyseplattform) is a corpus search and analysis platform for handling very
large corpora with multiple annotation layers, multiple query languages, and complex …
large corpora with multiple annotation layers, multiple query languages, and complex …
[หนังสือ][B] Verschmelzung von Präposition und Artikel: eine kontrastive Analyse zum Deutschen und Italienischen
H Augustin - 2017 - books.google.com
The book series of the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Leibniz Institute for the German
Language, IDS) offers a platform for comparative research on selected aspects of German …
Language, IDS) offers a platform for comparative research on selected aspects of German …