[PDF][PDF] The German reference corpus DeReKo: New developments–new opportunities

M Kupietz, H Lüngen, P Kamocki… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - aclanthology.org
This paper discusses current trends in DeReKo, the German Reference Corpus, concerning
legal issues around the recent German copyright reform with positive implications for corpus …

[หนังสือ][B] A frequency dictionary of German: Core vocabulary for learners

E Tschirner, J Möhring - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This completely updated edition of A Frequency Dictionary of German contains the 5,000
most commonly used words of German today, occurring in a 20-million-word corpus …

Building paths to corpus data. A multi-level least effort and maximum return approach

M Kupietz, N Diewald, E Margaretha - CLARIN. The Infrastructure for …, 2022 - degruyter.com
Enabling appropriate access to linguistic research data, both for many researchers and for
innovative research applications, is a challenging task. In this chapter, we describe how we …

Nová koncepce synchronních korpusů psané češtiny.

V Cvrček, A Čermáková, M Křen - Slovo a slovesnost, 2016 - search.ebscohost.com
The paper describes the new corpus SYN2015, the most recent 100 million word corpus of
contemporary written Czech. General notions of corpus representativeness and balance are …

[หนังสือ][B] Schriftliche und mündliche Korpora am IDS als Grundlage für die empirische Forschung

M Kupietz, T Schmidt - 2015 - degruyter.com
Die Programmbereiche „Korpuslinguistik “und „Mündliche Korpora “haben am IDS die
Aufgabe, Grundlagen für die empirische Erforschung der deutschen Sprache zu legen …

[PDF][PDF] Emergence phenomena in German W-immer/auch-subordinators

T Bossuyt, L De Cuypere… - … Conference on Grammar …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
The present study is concerned with the distributional patterns of the irrelevance particles
immer 'ever'and auch 'also'in German universal concessive conditionals and free relatives …

[PDF][PDF] Krill: KorAP search and analysis engine

N Diewald, E Margaretha - Journal for Language Technology and …, 2016 - jlcl.org
KorAP1 (Korpusanalyseplattform) is a corpus search and analysis platform for handling very
large corpora with multiple annotation layers, multiple query languages, and complex …

[หนังสือ][B] Verschmelzung von Präposition und Artikel: eine kontrastive Analyse zum Deutschen und Italienischen

H Augustin - 2017 - books.google.com
The book series of the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Leibniz Institute for the German
Language, IDS) offers a platform for comparative research on selected aspects of German …