The 2021 magnonics roadmap
Magnonics is a budding research field in nanomagnetism and nanoscience that addresses
the use of spin waves (magnons) to transmit, store, and process information. The rapid …
the use of spin waves (magnons) to transmit, store, and process information. The rapid …
Cavity magnonics
Cavity magnonics deals with the interaction of magnons—elementary excitations in
magnetic materials—and confined electromagnetic fields. We introduce the basic physics …
magnetic materials—and confined electromagnetic fields. We introduce the basic physics …
Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing
Magnonics addresses the physical properties of spin waves and utilizes them for data
processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency …
processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency …
Hybrid magnonics: Physics, circuits, and applications for coherent information processing
Hybrid dynamic systems have recently gained interest with respect to both fundamental
physics and device applications, particularly with their potential for coherent information …
physics and device applications, particularly with their potential for coherent information …
Chirality as generalized spin–orbit interaction in spintronics
Chirality or handedness distinguishes an object from its mirror images, such as the spread
thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the right and left hand. In mathematics, it is …
thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the right and left hand. In mathematics, it is …
Non-Hermitian topological magnonics
Dissipation in mechanics, optics, acoustics, and electronic circuits is nowadays recognized
to be not always detrimental but can be exploited to achieve non-Hermitian topological …
to be not always detrimental but can be exploited to achieve non-Hermitian topological …
Magnetic texture based magnonics
The spontaneous magnetic orders arising in ferro-, ferri-and antiferromagnets stem from
various magnetic interactions. Depending on the interplay and competition among the …
various magnetic interactions. Depending on the interplay and competition among the …
Fast Generation of GHZ-like States Using Collective-Spin Model
The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state is a key resource for quantum information
processing and quantum metrology. The atomic GHZ state can be generated by one-axis …
processing and quantum metrology. The atomic GHZ state can be generated by one-axis …
Nanoscale magnonic Fabry-Pérot resonator for low-loss spin-wave manipulation
Active control of propagating spin waves on the nanoscale is essential for beyond-CMOS
magnonic computing. Here, we experimentally demonstrate reconfigurable spin-wave …
magnonic computing. Here, we experimentally demonstrate reconfigurable spin-wave …
Analog quantum control of magnonic cat states on a chip by a superconducting qubit
We propose to directly and quantum-coherently couple a superconducting transmon qubit to
magnons—the quanta of the collective spin excitations, in a nearby magnetic particle. The …
magnons—the quanta of the collective spin excitations, in a nearby magnetic particle. The …