Flexible transient optical waveguides and surface‐wave biosensors constructed from monocrystalline silicon
Optical technologies offer important capabilities in both biological research and clinical care.
Recent interest is in implantable devices that provide intimate optical coupling to biological …
Recent interest is in implantable devices that provide intimate optical coupling to biological …
Volume detection based on porous silicon waveguide for CO2 mid-infrared spectroscopy
A mid-infrared (mid-IR) porous silicon (PSi) waveguide gas sensor was fabricated. PSi
guiding and confinement layers were prepared by electrochemical anodization. Ridge …
guiding and confinement layers were prepared by electrochemical anodization. Ridge …
Influence of fabrication parameter on the nanostructure and photoluminescence of highly doped p-porous silicon
Electrical and photoelectric properties of hybrid structures based on reduced graphene oxide and Pd-doped porous silicon
This study suggests the Pd-doped porous silicon (PS)–reduced graphene oxide (rGO)
hybrid structures to create a photosensitive field-effect transistor. IV curves and switching …
hybrid structures to create a photosensitive field-effect transistor. IV curves and switching …
Photoluminescence polarization and refractive index anisotropy of porous silicon nanocrystals arrays
In this work, the simple way to form oriented arrays of silicon nanocrystals in a dielectric
matrix was suggested. Porous silicon nanostructures obtained on the substrates with the …
matrix was suggested. Porous silicon nanostructures obtained on the substrates with the …
[PDF][PDF] Elaboration et caractérisations optiques, électriques et photoélectriques de structures à base de silicium nanostructuré
HY Seba - 2018 - dspace.usthb.dz
Ce chapitre a pour objectif de présenter de manière générale les matériaux qui ont servi de
base à cette étude. Après une brève présentation du silicium monocristallin, nous décrirons …
base à cette étude. Après une brève présentation du silicium monocristallin, nous décrirons …