[PDF][PDF] The Duffing oscillator: Applications and computational simulations

J Sunday - Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, 2017 - researchgate.net
Abstract Duffing oscillator (or Duffing Equation) is one of the most significant and classical
nonlinear ordinary differential equations in view of its diverse applications in science and …

Memetic computing based numerical solution to Troesch problem

A Rahman - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2019 - content.iospress.com
In this paper, a numerical solution to the Troesch problem using a memetic computing
technique is proposed. In this regard, a linear combination of Gaussian radial basis …

Numerical Solution to generalized Burgers'-Fisher equation using exp-function method hybridized with heuristic computation

SA Malik, IM Qureshi, M Amir, AN Malik, I Haq - PloS one, 2015 - journals.plos.org
In this paper, a new heuristic scheme for the approximate solution of the generalized
Burgers'-Fisher equation is proposed. The scheme is based on the hybridization of Exp …

[HTML][HTML] Modified Legendre wavelets technique for fractional oscillation equations

ST Mohyud-Din, M Asad Iqbal, SM Hassan - Entropy, 2015 - mdpi.com
Physical Phenomena's located around us are primarily nonlinear in nature and their
solutions are of highest significance for scientists and engineers. In order to have a better …

Sine‐cosine wavelet method for fractional oscillator equations

A Saeed, U Saeed - Mathematical Methods in the Applied …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Purpose In this article, a novel computational method is introduced for solving the fractional
nonlinear oscillator differential equations on the semi‐infinite domain. The purpose of the …

Haar wavelet operational matrix method for fractional oscillation equations

U Saeed, M Rehman - International Journal of Mathematics …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We utilized the Haar wavelet operational matrix method for fractional order nonlinear
oscillation equations and find the solutions of fractional order force‐free and forced Duffing …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical solution to nonlinear biochemical reaction model using hybrid polynomial basis differential evolution technique

SA Malik, IM Qureshi, M Amir… - Advanced Studies in …, 2014 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
In this paper, we present an approximate numerical solution to the well known Michaelis-
Menten nonlinear biochemical reaction system using a stochastic technique based on …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical solution to Troesch's problem using hybrid heuristic computing

SA Malik, IM Qureshi, M Zubair, M Amir - Journal of Basic and …, 2013 - academia.edu
In this paper an evolutionary computational technique, which is stochastic in nature, is
applied for the first time to the numerical solution of the Troesch's problem. An approximate …

[PDF][PDF] Hybrid heuristic computational approach to the Bratu problem

SA Malik, IM Qureshi, M Zubair, M Amir - Research Journal of Recent …, 2013 - Citeseer
In this study a stochastic method based on the heuristic computation is applied for solving
the Bratu boundary value problem and an initial value problem of the Bratu-type. A …

[PDF][PDF] Simulation of oscillators dynamics using selected versions of fourth order rungekutta scheme

T Salau, KA Olaiya, OO Ajide - International Journal of Engineering and …, 2014 - Citeseer
This study investigated the simulation performance from zero initial conditions across the
transient and steady states of six different versions of fourth order Runge-Kutta schemes …