The McDonald Gompertz distribution: properties and applications

R Roozegar, S Tahmasebi, AA Jafari - … in Statistics-Simulation and …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article introduces a five-parameter lifetime model called the McDonald Gompertz (McG)
distribution to extend the Gompertz, generalized Gompertz, generalized exponential, beta …

Robust Clustering with McDonald's Beta-Liouville Mixture Models for Proportional Data

O Sghaier, M Amayri, N Bouguila - … on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern …, 2024 - Springer
In this work, we study the problem of determining a proportional data structure in the
absence of prior information about the number of clusters. We use finite mixture models to …

A Bimodal Extension of the Beta-Binomial Distribution with Applications.

J Reyes, J Najera-Zuloaga, DJ Lee… - Axioms (2075 …, 2024 -
In this paper, we propose an alternative distribution to model count data exhibiting
uni/bimodality. It arises as a weighted version of the beta-binomial distribution, which is …

[PDF][PDF] Employing the double, multiplicative and the com-poisson binomial distributions for modeling over and underdispersed binary data

BH Lawal - J. Adv. Math. Comput. Sci, 2017 -
In this paper, we compare the performances of several models for fitting over-dispersed
binary data. The distribution models considered in this study include the binomial (BN), the …

The two-sided power-binomial distribution for modeling binary count data

Aİ Genç - Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The two-sided power (TSP) distribution is a flexible two-parameter distribution having
uniform, power function and triangular as sub-distributions, and it is a reasonable alternative …

[PDF][PDF] ``fitODBOD``: An R Package to Model Binomial Outcome Data using Binomial Mixture and Alternate Binomial Distributions.

A Mahendran, P Wijekoon - Journal of Open Source Software, 2019 -
The R package fitODBOD can be used to identify the best-fitting model for Over-dispersed
Binomial Outcome Data (BOD). The Triangular Binomial (TriBin), Beta-Binomial (BetaBin) …

[HTML][HTML] Estimating Equations for Estimation of Mcdonald Generalized Beta—Binomial Parameters

NM Janiffer, A Islam, O Luke - Open Journal of Statistics, 2014 -
There has been a considerable recent attention in modeling over dispersed binomial data
occurring in toxicology, biology, clinical medicine, epidemiology and other similar fields …

[PDF][PDF] Raw and Central Moments of a Variety of Generalized Beta-Binomial Distributions via Stirling Numbers

R Ogal - Journal of Mathematics and Statistical Science, 2016 -
In this article, we consider the construction of various compound Binomials by mixing the
success parameter with generalized Beta distributions within the unit interval. We then …

[PDF][PDF] On some mixture models for over-dispersed binary data

HB Lawal - International Journal of Statistics and …, 2017 -
In this paper, we consider several binomial mixture models for fitting over-dispersed binary
data. The models range from the binomial itself, to the beta-binomial (BB), the …

[HTML][HTML] Bayesian Estimation of the Shape Parameters of Mcdonald Generalized Beta-Binomial Distribution

IK Murithi, JO Okenye, AS Islam… - Open Access Library …, 2020 -
The paper explores and establishes a unique Bayesian framework for estimating three
shape parameters of the McDonald generalized beta-binomial distribution. The mixture …