Designing online learning evaluation in times of Covid-19 pandemic

B Suswanto, AI Sulaiman, T Sugito… - International …, 2021 -
The research objective is to design of learning evaluation that becomes strategy in the Covid
Pandemic 19. The study used qualitative research methods with case studies that construct …

Budaya Mutu (Quality Culture) Universitas Ibnu Chaldun Jakarta

S Suhardin - Jurnal Syntax Admiration, 2024 -
The objective study aims to describe in full and comprehensively related to the
implementation of quality culture at Ibnu Chaldun University in Jakarta, the oldest Islamic …

Evaluation Effectiveness of Implementation Training on Making ICT-Based Learning Media for Teachers

DA Sulistianingtyas, A Mariono… - Prisma Sains: Jurnal …, 2022 -
This research aims to determine the effectiveness implementation of training in making ICT-
based learning media for teachers. This evaluation research uses the CIPP evaluation …

Evaluation of Character Education in Public High School Using the CIPP Model

GAPB Aryati, DGH Divayana… - Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2023 -
Character education becomes one of the contemporary concerns nowadays. This study
aims to analyze the character education program at Public High School by using the CIPP …

Blended learning model based on portfolio and HOTS: How is it developed in LPTKs?

E Herianto, D Dahlan, INA Tripayana… - … for Educational and …, 2022 -
During the covid-19 pandemic, learning can no longer be done directly. LPTKs are given the
option to organize blended learning, a mixture of offline and online. The main problem is …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Sekolah Pencetak Wirausaha di SMK Ibu Kartini dengan Menggunakan Model CIPP

O Purnawirawan, BD Prilestari - JEKPEND: Jurnal Ekonomi dan …, 2022 -
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan program SPW dari aspek
evaluasi context, input, process, dan product. Sejalan hal tersebut, perlu penguatan …

Develo** Physics Digital Literacy Skill Diagnostic Test Assisted by Google Form for Senior High School Students

E Agustina, SA Nabila, P Rahayu - 6th International Seminar …, 2021 -
This research aimed to develop a test instrument in identifying digital literacy skills in high
school physics learning. This study used instrument development model by Mardapi. The …

Develo** Instruments using CIPP Evaluation Model in the Implementation of Portfolio Assessment in Science Learning

F Kurnia, S Dadan Rosana - International Journal of Environmental and …, 2017 -
Тhe aim of this study is to develop an instrument of evaluation constructed using the CIPP
model in the implementation of portfolio in science learning. Тхис study used research and …

Dissemination of symbolic representation ability in high school physics subjects

MFT Nirmala, S Sundari - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2020 -
The purpose of this study is to look at the validity and reliability of the symbolic
representation ability test instrument, as well as the spread of the symbolic representation …

A Diagnostic Test to Measure Students Physics Data Literacy Skills During the COVID-19 Pandemic

ME Suban, E Kartika, ZU Arafah - 6th International Seminar on …, 2021 -
The industrial revolution 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia requires all
elements of education to apply online-based learning. The existence of information …