Electrical breakdown from macro to micro/nano scales: a tutorial and a review of the state of the art

Y Fu, P Zhang, JP Verboncoeur… - Plasma Research …, 2020‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Fundamental processes for electric breakdown, ie, electrode emission and bulk ionization,
as well as the resultant Paschen's law, are reviewed under various conditions. The effect of …

Recent advances in multipactor physics and mitigation

A Iqbal, DQ Wen, J Verboncoeur, P Zhang - High Voltage, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Recent progress made in the prediction, characterisation, and mitigation of multipactor
discharge is reviewed for single‐and two‐surface geometries. First, an overview of basic …

[HTML][HTML] Space–charge limited current in nanodiodes: Ballistic, collisional, and dynamical effects

P Zhang, YS Ang, AL Garner, Á Valfells… - Journal of Applied …, 2021‏ - pubs.aip.org
a) Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: pz@ egr. msu. edu;
yeesin_ang@ sutd. edu. sg; algarner@ purdue. edu; av@ ru. is; john. luginsland …

Plasma physics and related challenges of millimeter-wave-to-terahertz and high power microwave generation

JH Booske - Physics of plasmas, 2008‏ - pubs.aip.org
Homeland security and military defense technology considerations have stimulated intense
interest in mobile, high power sources of millimeter-wave (mmw) to terahertz (THz) regime …

Review of recent theories and experiments for improving high-power microwave window breakdown thresholds

C Chang, G Liu, C Tang, C Chen, J Fang - Physics of Plasmas, 2011‏ - pubs.aip.org
Dielectric window breakdown is a serious challenge in high-power microwave (HPM)
transmission and radiation. Breakdown at the vacuum/dielectric interface is triggered by …

High gradient experiments with -band cryogenic copper accelerating cavities

AD Cahill, JB Rosenzweig, VA Dolgashev… - … Review Accelerators and …, 2018‏ - APS
Vacuum radio-frequency (rf) breakdown is one of the major factors that limit operating
accelerating gradients in rf particle accelerators. The occurrence of rf breakdowns was …

Sharp reduction of the secondary electron emission yield from grooved surfaces

M Pivi, FK King, RE Kirby, TO Raubenheimer… - Journal of Applied …, 2008‏ - pubs.aip.org
The effect of an artificially enhanced rough surface on the secondary electron yield (SEY)
was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Analytical studies on triangular and …

Higher harmonics in multipactor induced plasma ionization breakdown near a dielectric surface

DQ Wen, P Zhang, J Krek, Y Fu, JP Verboncoeur - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
In this Letter, the novel physics of higher harmonic (HH) generation of the normal electric
field near a dielectric surface is reported in multipactor induced plasma ionization …

Microwave discharges at low pressures and peculiarities of the processes in strongly non-uniform plasma

YA Lebedev - Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2015‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Microwave discharges (MD) are widely used as a source of non-equilibrium low pressure
plasma for different applications. This paper reviews the methods of microwave plasma …

Multipactor suppression by micro-structured gold/silver coatings for space applications

V Nistor, LA González, L Aguilera, I Montero… - Applied surface …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
The secondary electron emission (SEE) from materials used in high power RF devices in
space is the main trigger and sustaining mechanism of the resonant avalanche electron …