Electrical breakdown from macro to micro/nano scales: a tutorial and a review of the state of the art
Fundamental processes for electric breakdown, ie, electrode emission and bulk ionization,
as well as the resultant Paschen's law, are reviewed under various conditions. The effect of …
as well as the resultant Paschen's law, are reviewed under various conditions. The effect of …
Recent advances in multipactor physics and mitigation
Recent progress made in the prediction, characterisation, and mitigation of multipactor
discharge is reviewed for single‐and two‐surface geometries. First, an overview of basic …
discharge is reviewed for single‐and two‐surface geometries. First, an overview of basic …
[HTML][HTML] Space–charge limited current in nanodiodes: Ballistic, collisional, and dynamical effects
a) Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: pz@ egr. msu. edu;
yeesin_ang@ sutd. edu. sg; algarner@ purdue. edu; av@ ru. is; john. luginsland …
yeesin_ang@ sutd. edu. sg; algarner@ purdue. edu; av@ ru. is; john. luginsland …
Plasma physics and related challenges of millimeter-wave-to-terahertz and high power microwave generation
Homeland security and military defense technology considerations have stimulated intense
interest in mobile, high power sources of millimeter-wave (mmw) to terahertz (THz) regime …
interest in mobile, high power sources of millimeter-wave (mmw) to terahertz (THz) regime …
Review of recent theories and experiments for improving high-power microwave window breakdown thresholds
C Chang, G Liu, C Tang, C Chen, J Fang - Physics of Plasmas, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
Dielectric window breakdown is a serious challenge in high-power microwave (HPM)
transmission and radiation. Breakdown at the vacuum/dielectric interface is triggered by …
transmission and radiation. Breakdown at the vacuum/dielectric interface is triggered by …
High gradient experiments with -band cryogenic copper accelerating cavities
Vacuum radio-frequency (rf) breakdown is one of the major factors that limit operating
accelerating gradients in rf particle accelerators. The occurrence of rf breakdowns was …
accelerating gradients in rf particle accelerators. The occurrence of rf breakdowns was …
Sharp reduction of the secondary electron emission yield from grooved surfaces
The effect of an artificially enhanced rough surface on the secondary electron yield (SEY)
was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Analytical studies on triangular and …
was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Analytical studies on triangular and …
Higher harmonics in multipactor induced plasma ionization breakdown near a dielectric surface
In this Letter, the novel physics of higher harmonic (HH) generation of the normal electric
field near a dielectric surface is reported in multipactor induced plasma ionization …
field near a dielectric surface is reported in multipactor induced plasma ionization …
Microwave discharges at low pressures and peculiarities of the processes in strongly non-uniform plasma
YA Lebedev - Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
Microwave discharges (MD) are widely used as a source of non-equilibrium low pressure
plasma for different applications. This paper reviews the methods of microwave plasma …
plasma for different applications. This paper reviews the methods of microwave plasma …
Multipactor suppression by micro-structured gold/silver coatings for space applications
The secondary electron emission (SEE) from materials used in high power RF devices in
space is the main trigger and sustaining mechanism of the resonant avalanche electron …
space is the main trigger and sustaining mechanism of the resonant avalanche electron …