[HTML][HTML] Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water streams: Occurrence, detection, and removal by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes
Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) are part of the emerging contaminants
(ECs) in the environment due to their known or suspected adverse effects in aquatic and …
(ECs) in the environment due to their known or suspected adverse effects in aquatic and …
Nanostructured electrodes for electrocatalytic advanced oxidation processes: From materials preparation to mechanisms understanding and wastewater treatment …
The implementation of nanostructured materials in electrochemistry implied the
enhancement of conversion yield in fuel cell, in electrosynthesis of oxidants and electrolytic …
enhancement of conversion yield in fuel cell, in electrosynthesis of oxidants and electrolytic …
Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes: today and tomorrow. A review
In recent years, new advanced oxidation processes based on the electrochemical
technology, the so-called electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs), have …
technology, the so-called electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs), have …
[HTML][HTML] Photocatalytic, electrocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in aqueous media: Analytical methods, mechanisms, simulations …
Pharmaceuticals are used every day in most parts of the world and great proportions of
these substances are excreted unaltered or as active sub-products, posing a threat of …
these substances are excreted unaltered or as active sub-products, posing a threat of …
Application of electrochemical oxidation for water and wastewater treatment: an overview
In recent years, the discharge of various emerging pollutants, chemicals, and dyes in water
and wastewater has represented one of the prominent human problems. Since water …
and wastewater has represented one of the prominent human problems. Since water …
Remediation of water pollution caused by pharmaceutical residues based on electrochemical separation and degradation technologies: a review
In the last years, the decontamination and disinfection of waters by means of direct or
integrated electrochemical processes are being considered as a very appealing alternative …
integrated electrochemical processes are being considered as a very appealing alternative …
Achievements and trends in photoelectrocatalysis: from environmental to energy applications
The great versatility of semiconductor materials and the possibility of generation of electrons,
holes, hydroxyl radicals, and/or superoxide radicals have increased the applicability of …
holes, hydroxyl radicals, and/or superoxide radicals have increased the applicability of …
Advances on electrochemical disinfection research: Mechanisms, influencing factors and applications
Z Li, D Yang, S Li, L Yang, W Yan, H Xu - Science of The Total Environment, 2024 - Elsevier
Disinfection, a vital barrier against pathogenic microorganisms, is crucial in halting the
spread of waterborne diseases. Electrochemical methods have been extensively …
spread of waterborne diseases. Electrochemical methods have been extensively …
[HTML][HTML] Titanium dioxide-based photocatalysts for degradation of emerging contaminants including pharmaceutical pollutants
Contamination of the environment has been a growing problem in recent years. Due to the
rapid growth in human population, the expansion of cities, along with the development of …
rapid growth in human population, the expansion of cities, along with the development of …
Construction of heterojunction photoelectrode via atomic layer deposition of Fe2O3 on Bi2WO6 for highly efficient photoelectrochemical sensing and degradation of …
The present paper describes the fabrication of a heterojunction photoelectrode by
combining the wet chemical synthesis of Bi 2 WO 6 with the formation of Fe 2 O 3 layer by …
combining the wet chemical synthesis of Bi 2 WO 6 with the formation of Fe 2 O 3 layer by …