Field sizes and the future of farmland biodiversity in European landscapes
Lower diversity of plant and animal farmland species are usually reported where cropland
has been aggregated into larger fields, which raises prospects of curbing declines in …
has been aggregated into larger fields, which raises prospects of curbing declines in …
Does landscape composition affect pest abundance and their control by natural enemies? A review
A Veres, S Petit, C Conord, C Lavigne - Agriculture, Ecosystems & …, 2013 - Elsevier
Landscape management could contribute to sustainable pest control. Landscape
composition, in particular, could either directly impact a pest abundance by affecting its …
composition, in particular, could either directly impact a pest abundance by affecting its …
Effects of management practices on the ecosystem-service multifunctionality of temperate grasslands
Human wellbeing depends on ecosystem services, highlighting the need for improving the
ecosystem-service multifunctionality of food and feed production systems. We study Swiss …
ecosystem-service multifunctionality of food and feed production systems. We study Swiss …
Fossil fuel energy and environmental performance in an extended STIRPAT model
A Gani - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2018 and 2019) have
revealed that world's human activities have contributed to around 1° C of global warming …
revealed that world's human activities have contributed to around 1° C of global warming …
Agricultural intensification reduces microbial network complexity and the abundance of keystone taxa in roots
Root-associated microbes play a key role in plant performance and productivity, making
them important players in agroecosystems. So far, very few studies have assessed the …
them important players in agroecosystems. So far, very few studies have assessed the …
Functional landscape heterogeneity and animal biodiversity in agricultural landscapes
Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 101–112 Abstract Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes can be
increased with conversion of some production lands into 'more‐natural'–unmanaged or …
increased with conversion of some production lands into 'more‐natural'–unmanaged or …
Cover crops support ecological intensification of arable crop** systems
A major challenge for agriculture is to enhance productivity with minimum impact on the
environment. Several studies indicate that cover crops could replace anthropogenic inputs …
environment. Several studies indicate that cover crops could replace anthropogenic inputs …
Environmental factors driving the effectiveness of European agri‐environmental measures in mitigating pollinator loss–a meta‐analysis
In Europe, agri‐environmental schemes (AES) have been introduced in response to
concerns about farmland biodiversity declines. Yet, as AES have delivered variable results …
concerns about farmland biodiversity declines. Yet, as AES have delivered variable results …
How agricultural intensification affects biodiversity and ecosystem services
As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for food, fodder, fibre and
bioenergy will increase. In Europe, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has driven the …
bioenergy will increase. In Europe, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has driven the …
[HTML][HTML] The influence of soil management on soil health: An on-farm study in southern Sweden
Soil health reflects the capacity of a soil to provide ecosystem services. A major challenge of
soil management is to support agricultural productivity without jeopardizing other ecosystem …
soil management is to support agricultural productivity without jeopardizing other ecosystem …