A pragmatist research agenda for employing psychological heuristics in construction: Context, design, artificial intelligence, and performance evaluation
PED Love - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Psychological heuristics are formal models of decision making relying on core psychological
capacities, such as perception, attention, memory, language, emotion regulation, and social …
capacities, such as perception, attention, memory, language, emotion regulation, and social …
Sociodemographic disparities in energy insecurity among low-income households before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Energy insecurity is a growing public health threat among low-income populations in the
United States. Prior research has shown that energy insecurity is associated with adverse …
United States. Prior research has shown that energy insecurity is associated with adverse …
Breaking the Sisyphean loop: Reconceptualizing the treatment of risk and uncertainty in transport projects
Worldwide transport projects repeatedly exceed their budgets. This problem has received
widespread attention over several decades, with little progress made to improve project cost …
widespread attention over several decades, with little progress made to improve project cost …
Homo heuristicus: From risk management to managing uncertainty in large-scale infrastructure projects
Large-scale infrastructure projects tend to experience variances between estimated and
final costs. Governments, in response, have been using statistical methods (including …
final costs. Governments, in response, have been using statistical methods (including …
[KNJIGA][B] Risk perception
N Bodemer, W Gaissmaier - 2015 - books.google.com
Natural hazards, health hazards, terrorist attacks, new technologies, transportation—all of
them represent risks in our life. We face some of these risks daily, others rarely, if ever. Some …
them represent risks in our life. We face some of these risks daily, others rarely, if ever. Some …
Fast-and-frugal heuristics: An exploration into building an adaptive toolbox to assess the uncertainty of rework
Performing rework within the production system of construction is the most expensive waste
that confronts organisations, with its causation yet to be fully understood in practice. Any …
that confronts organisations, with its causation yet to be fully understood in practice. Any …
What are people with Parkinson's disease really impaired on when it comes to making decisions? A meta-analysis of the evidence
A Ryterska, M Jahanshahi, M Osman - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral …, 2013 - Elsevier
Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with motor and cognitive impairment caused by
dopamine dysregulation in the basal ganglia. Amongst a host of cognitive deficits, evidence …
dopamine dysregulation in the basal ganglia. Amongst a host of cognitive deficits, evidence …
How should autonomous cars drive? A preference for defaults in moral judgments under risk and uncertainty
B Meder, N Fleischhut, NC Krumnau… - Risk …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) promise to make traffic safer, but their societal integration poses
ethical challenges. What behavior of AVs is morally acceptable in critical traffic situations …
ethical challenges. What behavior of AVs is morally acceptable in critical traffic situations …
The role of smart heuristics in decision-making under uncertainty: Migitating rework and its consequences
Decision-making under risk in construction is typically aligned with the classical rationalist
view. Here, statistical methods and formal logic are applied to select the best possible …
view. Here, statistical methods and formal logic are applied to select the best possible …
Age differences in the neural basis of decision-making under uncertainty
Humans globally are rea** the benefits of longer lives. Yet, longer life spans also require
engaging with consequential but often uncertain decisions well into old age. Previous …
engaging with consequential but often uncertain decisions well into old age. Previous …