[HTML][HTML] Sea level rise impacts on estuarine dynamics: A review

D Khojasteh, W Glamore, V Heimhuber… - Science of The Total …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Sea level rise (SLR) poses a hazard to ecosystems and economies in low-lying coastal and
estuarine areas. To better understand the potential impacts of SLR in estuaries, a …

The tides they are a‐Changin': A comprehensive review of past and future nonastronomical changes in tides, their driving mechanisms, and future implications

ID Haigh, MD Pickering, JAM Green… - Reviews of …, 2020‏ - Wiley Online Library
Scientists and engineers have observed for some time that tidal amplitudes at many
locations are shifting considerably due to nonastronomical factors. Here we review …

Changing tides: The role of natural and anthropogenic factors

SA Talke, DA Jay - Annual review of marine science, 2020‏ - annualreviews.org
Tides are changing worldwide at rates not explained by astronomical forcing. Rather, the
observed evolution of tides and other long waves, such as storm surges, is influenced by …

Interactions between mean sea level, tide, surge, waves and flooding: mechanisms and contributions to sea level variations at the coast

D Idier, X Bertin, P Thompson, MD Pickering - Surveys in Geophysics, 2019‏ - Springer
Coastal areas epitomize the notion of 'at-risk'territory in the context of climate change and
sea level rise (SLR). Knowledge of the water level changes at the coast resulting from the …

Climate refugia in the Great Barrier Reef may endure into the future

C Sun, C Steinberg, E Klein Salas, C Mellin… - Science …, 2024‏ - science.org
Although global warming is leading to more frequent mass coral bleaching events
worldwide, parts of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) have consistently escaped severe coral …

Australian beach systems: are they at risk to climate change?

AD Short - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2022‏ - Elsevier
This paper reviews the past behaviour and present status of Australian beach systems and
their likely response to the impacts of climate change in the coming century. The 2021 IPCC …

Sea level rise driving increasingly predictable coastal inundation in Sydney, Australia

BS Hague, S McGregor, BF Murphy, R Reef… - Earth's …, 2020‏ - Wiley Online Library
As global mean sea level continues to rise, thresholds corresponding to coastal inundation
impacts are exceeded more frequently. This paper aims to relate sea level rise (SLR) …

[HTML][HTML] Sediment deficit and morphological change of the Rhine–Meuse river mouth attributed to multi-millennial anthropogenic impacts

JR Cox, J Leuven, HJ Pierik, M van Egmond… - Continental Shelf …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Many delta systems worldwide are becoming increasingly urbanized following a variety of
processes, including land reclamation, embanking, major engineering and port …

[HTML][HTML] The significance of coastal bathymetry representation for modelling the tidal response to mean sea level rise in the German Bight

C Rasquin, R Seiffert, B Wachler, N Winkel - Ocean Science, 2020‏ - os.copernicus.org
Due to climate change an accelerated mean sea level rise is expected. One key question for
the development of adaptation measures is how mean sea level rise affects tidal dynamics …

The effect of tidal range and mean sea-level changes on coastal flood hazards at Lakes Entrance, south-east Australia

BS Hague, RB Grayson, SA Talke… - Journal of Southern …, 2023‏ - CSIRO Publishing
Despite being well-documented in other countries, the roles that anthropogenically induced
changes and natural variability in tidal processes play in modulating coastal flood …